Kongreß 97
des Individual Network e.V.
27. und 28. September 1997
Vom 27. bis 28. September 1997 veranstaltete der Individual Network e.V. in Aachen erstmalig einen öffentlichen Kongreß zu den Themen Sicherheit und Neue Technologien.
Dieser Kongreß wurde dank der Unterstützung der Firma Progressive Networks per Live Video im Internet übertragen.
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Vorträge des Kongreß 97
des Individual Network e.V.
27. und 28. September 1997
Samstag, 27. September 1997 | ||
Zeit | Security | New Technologies |
9:00-9:30 | Heiko Schlichting Keynote |
9:30-10:30 | Norbert Pohlmann Firewall-Technologien |
Werner Almesberger ATM und Linux |
10:30-11:30 | T. Zieschang Security und Chipcards |
Dave S. Miller Linux on Sparc |
11:30-12:30 | M. Klische, DCS AG Biometrische Personenidentifikation |
Stephen R. van den Berg SPAM, procmail, cucipop |
12:30-13:30 | Mittagessen | |
13:30-14:30 | Andreas Bäß Status DPN |
Bruce Perens, Pixar Inc. Debian GNU/Linux |
14:30-15:30 | Arttu Huhtiniemi, SolidTech Database and JAVA |
Xlink |
15:30-16:00 | Pause | |
16:00-17:00 | Gerhard Unger Secure Computing |
Bettina Kauth, DFN-NOC Status des B-WiN |
17:00-18:00 | Richard Stallman GNU Current Projects, Ethico-Political issues of free software |
20:00-offen | Buffet Geselliger Abend |
Sonntag, 28. September 1997 | ||
Zeit | Security | New Technologies |
9:30-10:30 | Jörg Ladwein Security Dynamics |
Jan Vekemans, Vasco Internet-AcessKey |
10:30-11:30 | Lutz Donnerhacke CA+PGP-Keys |
11:30-13:00 | Brunch | |
13:00-14:00 | Thomas Hetschold, GMD Secude |
K. Schröter, DOCconnect AG DOCconnect, Med. Network |
14:00-15:00 | Alan Cox IPv6 |
Progressive Networks Live Video |
15:00-16:00 | D. James Bidzos Präsident der RSA Inc. |
Workshops des Kongreß 97
des Individual Network e.V.
27. und 28. September 1997
Workshops | |
Zeit | Thema |
Andreas Bäß WAN-Routing, BGP4, CIDR |
Bernd Eckenfels FreeFire |
Fritz Elfert + Karsten Keil ISDN 4 Linux |
Jörg Mertin Server: NT oder Linux |
Lutz Donnerhacke IN-CA |
Martin Schulze PGP-Signing |
Martin Schulze Meeting of Debian Maintainers |
Sven Rudolph, Heiko Schlittermann Debian Packaging System |
Lutz Donnerhacke Anbindung über Funkmodem |
N.N. How to setup a firewall |
Georg Isenbürger Livingston Portmaster, Konfiguration |
Zusammenfassung des Vortrags
Dave S. Miller: UltraPenguins Moving at the Speed of Light.
New architectures are both easier, and harder, to port modern operating systems to. They are easier to port because modern machines offer more options, and thus less constraints, to the implementator of the support. They are harder to port because with all these new choices, a well tuned port requires more thought and work to obtain the absolute best performance. The port of Linux to UltraSparc based platforms will be used as a concrete example to illustrate these issues in depth.
Zusammenfassung des Vortrags
Richard Stallman: GNU Current Projects
Richard Stallman will give a technical overview of some current GNU software projects, including the GNU Hurd (the GNU kernel) and Guile (the GNU extensibility library).
Zusammenfassung des Vortrags
Richard Stallman: Ethico-political issues of free software
Richard Stallman will talk about the origin and philosophy of the GNU project, and how these relate to the free software community's present challenges.
Zusammenfassung des Vortrags
Alan Cox: IPv6
Why ?