Rob Malda

Whats New [ ]

7/23 All the News in the site has moved to [ ] Section. It's just a way to help consolidate all the stuff in with news that is worth reading... check it out [ ].

Linux [ ]

Around these parts we run a real OS. None of that crappy dung from redmond- we run Linux! [ ] I would recommend you immediately fdisk your hard drive and install it. It also would be in your best interests to check out my Linux page [ ]. It is the home of assorted cool things I've written, and links to the hottest spots on the web. Besides- I created all the cool images on this page using Linux software.

My Stuff [ ]

My stuff is available for download. Various nifty applications and patches mostly for X. This is the official home of ascd, asmixer, asmodem & ascdc- my very popular collection of Dockable Applets for use with either Afterstep or WindowMaker.

Java Invaders [ ]

As a fun project during Christmas of '96, I decided to get a bit in touch with the whole Java phenom. The result was a clone of that classic game you know and love. Quite playable, and has assorted cute aliens for you to make dead.

Raytracer [ ]

I wrote a Raytracer for Graphics 340 last semester. I have here a few sphere rendered over checkerboards here for your enjoyment.

Duckpins [ ]

My first, somewhat feeble, but entertaining attempt at the world of computer animation was created during January of 96. It was produces entirely by myself, for no budget, and man does it ever show. Read. Learn. Download. You'll laugh. I think.

Hamster Havoc [ ]

During the summer of '96, Rob Malda films brought forth its followup to the critically acclaimed Duckpins [ ] Computer Animated Short. From here you can learn more than you could ever want to know about the production, view exciting stills, and event download the darn thing.

Literature? [ ]

I'm no gifted author, but I still wrote a quite humorour little short story one boring evening- and I've placed it here [ ] for you all to read. Feel free to comment on it. It's about UNIX & Nerds and stuff so it isn't all bad.

Cartoons [ ]

I'm more than just a code jockey- underneath this pocket protector clad exterior beats the heart of starving artist. More specifically I've been busy creating various works of mediocrity that I am so ashamed of, that I've placed them here. You can check out a collection of my favorite cartoons that I drew in high school. They are known as Rob's World [ ], and I truly am sorry.

Other Cool Stuff...

Check out Rob's Amazing Hex Triplet O Matic [ ]. It allows even idiots like me to get hex codes for background colors.
Places [ ] A huge list of cool stuff from a guy who probably has been on the web a lot longer than you.
About Rob [ ] More than you could ever want to know about me.

Copyright 1998