Windows Refund Day, Page 4

More of the signs, across the street from the Microsoft office. As it turns out, no one was permitted even to enter the 9th floor (where the Microsoft offices were) at all.

You can almost feel the world-weariness, the existential angst of this customer attempting to return a (still shrinkwrapped) copy of Windows NT Workstation. To whose pleas Microsoft turned a deaf ear. I didn't get his name, but perhaps it doesn't really matter. He's everyman.

Despite an unresponsive attitude from Microsoft, the overall atmosphere was upbeat and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Linux was not the only variety of free software users represented, there was also a strong FreeBSD presence. They passed out a bunch of "Powered by FreeBSD" stickers.

I don't know how many different kinds of Linux T-Shirts there are in the world, but it must be a very large number. I have seldom seen a Microsoft T-Shirt, but they probably all look alike, anyway. Linux is just more fun :-).

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