New webmaster needed 
Frank Sorenson 
Sat, 03 Jun 2000 13:55:02 -0700 

The Computer Science Department is in need of a new webmaster.

We're looking for someone who knows HTML by hand (rather than being tied
to an editor), knows some scripting (such as PHP) and who is technical,
rather than being only artistic.  The server will be on a Linux system
(HPUX currently, but we're moving to Linux soon).

We're looking for someone who can spend 10-20 hours per week.  Some of
that time will be spent doing specific work that the department would like
done quickly (such as "this link needs to point here"), and the remainder
of the time will be working on things like projects that the department
would like done.

Form Processing
some SQL experience - connecting, etc..
Perl - for maintaining existing code
HTML development experience
Some UNIX build experience (like for Apache) and general Unix experience

If you're interested, send me a resume with some details about your
experience.  A few links which show what you know would help too.  Send
them to me by email (at [EMAIL PROTECTED]) or get them in my box in the
Computer Science Department office (you can just give it to one of the
secretaries in 3361 TMCB, and say it goes in my box).

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Frank Sorenson, MCP CNA
CSR Computer Science Department
Brigham Young University