Andreas Bogk
Some day I will find the time to write more about me...
I'm associated with the following organizations:
- The Chaos Computer Club ( I'm a member, and my activities
in the club included implementation of attacks against the EC-card system and
the GSM smartcards ( I'm also regularly
holding lectures at the Chaos Communication Congress, on topics such as network
security and programming languages
- The Gwydion Dylan Hackers ( We're a bunch of
people maintaining the CMU implementation of the programming language Dylan,
I'm one of the core maintainers, and responsible for the servers and for the
distribution. Check it out, it's a language worth learning!
- convergence integrated media GmbH [ http:/ ] (
I'm the lead developer there. We're working on software for interactive digital
television, and we're using Linux in the embedded world for that.
last edited February 20, 2001 1:18 pm CET
Copyright 2001