Development versions now available by anonymous CVS

Jay Maynard

Mar 6, 2001

I'm pleased to announce that Hercules development is moving to CVS to keep
the work done by more than one developer at a time straight. The
developmental CVS tree is available for anonymous access, as well. This tree
should be considered experimental and definitely beta code, if not alpha,
and should be used at your own risk. It is where you will find the most
recent work, however.

On Linux, you would gain access to the tree by doing:

export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@...:/usr/cvs/hercules
cvs login
(hit enter when asked for the password)
cvs co hercules

This will produce a new directory named hercules with the source code in it,
at the current state of the repository. You can do "cvs update" at any time
to resynchronize your copy with the central repository. If you have updated
your local copy, be forewarned that the cvs update command will complain at
you about conflicts; there's no really good way to deal with that.

There are CVS clients available for Windows, though I'm not personally
familiar with any.

YOu can find out more about CVS at .

8:39 pm

Copyright 2001