+----------------------+ | TEAM OS/2 Wants You! | teamos2 +----------------------+ TEAM OS/2 consists of volunteers who are OS/2 enthusiasts and who actively share their OS/2 knowledge and enthusiasm with others. Their activities include: o Supporting OS/2 user groups o Running private OS/2 BBSs or serving as a SysOp on major public BBSs or e-mail systems o Demoing OS/2 to user groups, at retail stores, and in other public places o Encouraging others to install and use OS/2 o Helping support those who use OS/2 already by answering questions and many other activities fostered by the unlimited imagination of teamers! Joining the Team ---------------- Teamers include IBM employees and non-IBMers world-wide. Membership in TEAM OS/2 is not limited to IBM employees; we encourage everyone who wants to promote OS/2 to join the team. To join TEAM OS/2, contact one of the following: CompuServe: Vicci Conway, 76711,1123 Fidonet: Janet Gobeille, 1:109/347.3479 IBMMAIL: Vicci Conway, USIB4V94 at IBMMAIL Internet: Vicci Conway, vicci@vnet.ibm.com Inside IBM: Vicci COnway, VICCI at BCRVMPC1 or fax your information to Vicci Conway at 1-407-982-1229. Please include: o Your name o Your userid(s) on all BBSs and e-mail systems that you frequent (this will be published in our public TEAM OS/2 list) o Mailing address (will not be published) o City, state, zip (this will be published) o Phone number (will not be published) o A one-line description about your participation (this will be published). For example, you may run an OS/2 BBS, be a member of (or have founded) a user group, be an OS/2 software consultant, or be the author of an OS/2 application. Also, please let us know what you've been doing to qualify for TEAM OS/2. Refer to the list of activities mentioned above, or come up with something new and different! We will then put your name, city and state, e-mail addresses (of whichever systems you mention), and description in our public TEAM OS/2 list. IBM Support of TEAM OS/2 Activities ----------------------------------- Because TEAM OS/2 members use their own time, and often their own funds, to do public OS/2 demos and to support and encourage local retailers, IBM is offering support for these activities. Demos ----- If you're planning to demonstrate OS/2 for a group of people or a public event -- for example, public demos at universities, PC fairs, hamfests, shopping center malls, and OS/2 days at local retailers -- please contact us (see how at the end of this note). We would like to know: o Date and location of scheduled event (location, city, state, country) o Number of teamers involved in doing or supporting the demo o Number of people expected to see your demo o If this is a public demo at a software retail store, also tell us how many store personnel are expected to be working at the store during your demo (so that we can send them all OS/2 T-shirts to wear during your demo!) o Your name, shipping address, and telephone number We would like to help with a TEAM OS/2 Demo Pack, which consists of things to support your demo and to give away during it. The specific contents of your Demo Pack will vary according to your event, and we will discuss the contents after receiving your request. After your event, please send us a report that includes: o Names and addresses of all the teamers involved in the activity o The number of people who saw your demo or tried OS/2 during that time o Your assessment of how it went. Tell us what went well, what didn't, and any advice you have for others doing demos. o Your suggestions for our TEAM OS/2 support in the future NOTE: This demo support does not apply to user group presentations. For support of a demonstration to a user group, contact: Internet: ibmpcug@vnet.ibm.com Inside IBM: IBMPCUG at AUSVM1 Adopt a Store ------------- We encourage you to "adopt" a local retail store. Meet the employees, answer their questions about OS/2, encourage them to stock it, and visit them on a regular basis. If you adopt a store that plans to carry OS/2, please contact us with the following information: o Name and address of store o Name of the store manager o Does the store have, or will it have, a demo OS/2 system? o Does the store need some OS/2 marketing materials (posters, literature, and so on)? If the answer to the last question is yes, we'll send you a TEAM OS/2 Store Pack for you to give to them. It contains things for the store's employees, marketing literature, posters, OS/2 2.1 demo diskettes, etc. NOTE: Retail store support is currently available only within the U.S. However, if teamers outside the U.S. want to develop local versions of these Store Packs, please send an e-mail note or a fax to LUVOS2 (see below). We will then send you more information. Contact Information for TEAM OS/2 Support from IBM -------------------------------------------------- Please send your support request or inquiry to: CompuServe: Vicci Conway, 76711,1123 Fidonet: Janet Gobeille, 1:109/347.3479 IBMMAIL: Janet Gobeille, USIB45RN at IBMMAIL Internet: Janet Gobeille, LUVOS2@vnet.ibm.com Inside IBM: LUVOS2 at RHQVM12 (will change within the next few months; new information will be posted when it is available) or fax your request to 1-914-766-3784 (will change within the next few months; the new fax number will be posted when it is available).