From: (Julian Assange)
Subject: Suburbia, Melbourne, non-profit $50 PA FLAT fee FULL internet, 
4 hours a month FREE.
Date: 28 Feb 95 23:21:50 GMT
Organization: werple public-access unix, Melbourne
Lines: 456
Message-ID: <>
Keywords: suburbia
X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #4

With all these people trying to make a fast buck, let me remind people that there are
alternatives. Suburbia's link is 28.8k to the internet, so don't expect lightening
speed transfers. But if you can live with that, then read on...

*> Suburbia - your home away from home <*



                          l Suburbia GNS        l
                          l P.O. Box 75         l
                          l Gardenvale Vic 3185 l

   Suburbia has a real-time, 24 hour per day link to the Internet through
   APANA and caters for individuals, is fully non-profit, governmentally
   independent and not a business in any way (being a member of APANA
   also means that we can not offer services for commercial use). Our
   loyalty is to our members and our focus is to provide an affordable
   yet high-quality private & secure entry point into the worlds largest
   and most sophisticated data network - The InterNet.
   Our link to APANA is currently running at a line speed of 56k bps
   (V.FAST+v42+v42bis modem) and APANAs link to the Internet is 64k ISDN.
   Suburbia runs under a very powerful networking operating system called
   Unix (Linux). Unix isn't exactly the most friendly OS in the world; so
   the programmers at Suburbia have developed a moderately friendly, yet
   powerful menu system based around a customized version of the World
   Wide Web reader "Lynx".
   Suburbia has over 1000 users, 10 dialin modem lines, 20Mb of main
   memory, 6.5 Giga-bytes of drive space, including 7 on-line CD-ROMs
   with 4500 Mb of MSDOS/Windows/Unix/Mac programs and GIF images
   (pictures) available for downloading to your PC.
Who runs Suburbia and why?

   Suburbia is a fully non-profit and is run by a several volunteers who
   have been very generous with both their time and money. The time
   donated by these people to program, administratate and maintain the
   system hardware & software and generally keep Suburbia at state of the
   art runs into well over $200k. It is for this reason alone that our
   fees are so low. Suburbia's volunteers all have other lives to lead -
   if you want glossy mailouts, a chic voice on the phone, or instant
   "service", then Suburbia is probably not the place for you. If on the
   other hand you want to be part of a real, friendly and developing
   community of people whith a common interest in the free flow of
   information and ideas and and not just $$ then welcome.
   All volunteers have unlimited, free access to Suburbia. If you believe
   you have something significant to contribute, be it programming,
   hardware or anything else the system needs then shoot - we can always
   use more help. Volunteers are expected to spend on average 1/3rd of
   their time on-line preforming work beneficial to Suburbia. Hardware
   lent/donated should have a value greater than that required to obtain
   a time-unlimited account.
Features of Suburbia Global Network Services

   * Telnet
   The ability to connect INTERACTIVELY to any other live Internet system
   in the world - such as Microsoft, or any other machine in the US or
   Australia or anywhere else in the world connected to the Net. (e.g
   check out if the Library of Congress in the US has a book that you are
   after - search their catalog!)
   This also means that if you connected to another machine on the
   Internet - then you can connect into Suburbia in real time!
   With telnet, you can also use the Australian X.25 gateway to connect
   to any Austpac address for free! No need to pay telecom $12 per hour
   plus volume charges plus NUI rental. You can also connect via telnet
   directly to Compuserv and other metered services and typically reduce
   your connection fees by 50% (because compuserv et al normally have to
   pay Telecom a small fortune in packet fees, but they they don't pay us
   a cent ;-\)
   * FTP & FSP
   Transfer Files or Browse through the file archives of systems such as
   Simtel/Oak, Archie, Funet or Wuarchive interactively; if you see a
   file that you want, no need to call international to get it, just
   transfer it through the Internet to here and then download it.
   * IRC
   Talk interactively (like a data party line) to groups of people on the
   Internet located all around the world (in whatever language you can
   think of!). Specialized discussion groups about topics like cars,
   unix, computers, politics, security, the web, sex, you name it, you
   can find it!
   * MUD
   Play interactive games against people located all about the place on
   the Net. Multi-User Dimensions are a favorite!
   You can also connect to the International Chess, Backgammon and
   Othello servers - which typically have 10-60 people playing at anyone
   time from all over the world. The chess server is VERY good, if you
   like chess you will be in heaven.
   * UseNet News
   Suburbia has a full 2000+ group news feed! - News is updated every
   minute of the day. Great for answering your questions. (Usually
   500000+ messages are available at any one time!). To give you a sense
   of scale, if the messages were printed on paper, it would add up to a
   whopping 44 metric tones of messages a week!
   * WWW (World Wide Web) & Gopher
   WWW is the fastest growing area of the 'Net, it will literally blow
   your mind to see the depth, breadth and types of information available
   through WWW. It can range from the complete works of Shakespeare or
   Dante Aligori, not even hour old images of sunspot activity (depending
   on time of day of course ;-) , computer underground and other
   subversive literature, to the US constitution! If you have heard the
   term "Net Surfing" it was almost certainly referring to the
   information waves of the WWW.
   Suburbia runs a WWW server of its own (with a 100Mb cache), so not
   only can you use Suburbia to rifle through the rest of the world's Web
   data, but you individually can become part of the Web itself i.e put
   up your own information and links to other parts of the Web for the
   rest of the Internet to view and peruse. This is true self publishing
   at its best! Create a story? A paper? A program? A picture or
   animation? A musical piece? A review? Run a non-profit club,
   organization or political lobby group that produces a newsletter or
   other information? All this and more can be put into your very own
   Suburbia Web entry at no cost.
   * E-Mail
   INSTANT mail to the Internet - (well nearly instant) - it may take 45
   seconds if its acting slowly!. That also means that mail to AppleLink,
   Compuserv, America Online, Tymline, Keylink etc etc is also all
   * Talk
   If you have a friend located on another machine elsewhere in the
   Internet - it may even be in Germany or America for example, you can
   talk to them (via the keyboard) in real time!
   * UNIX Shell
   For the more adventurous, we offer full shell access from which you
   can of course directly execute all the menu functions and over 1000
   other Unix programs including C, C++, Perl, Fortran and Pascal
   compilers, debuggers & assemblers, networking, mathematical, document
   processing/editing utilities and more.
Borrowed Time

   Donation levels for access to Suburbia are based on time - although it
   seems somewhat silly to 'kick people off' if they have run out of
   time, and some lines are still free for other callers to connect to!
   Therefore, if there are free lines (as there often are between 12am
   and 6pm) you can stay on and "borrow" time until the lines fill up -
   at no extra cost!
Connection Methods

   * Dial-Up 
   Suburbia has 10 dialups modem lines (10 x 14.4k/V42bis) which you can
   connect to by calling the main Suburbia number (03)596-8366
   (+61-3-596-8366 for overseas callers).
   For interstate/std callers we also have all our modems on the
   Australia wide number 190-0-224-0103 which is charged at only $0.35c
   p/m (nb. due to telecom stupidity, the number rings out when all the
   modems are busy).
   * InterNet 
   If you have access to the InterNet, you can telnet to suburbia using
   the address "". Suburbia also supports WWW (World
   Wide Web) and FTP as well as most other standard InterNet protocols.
   * X.25 
   If you have access to Austpac (and an NUI) or another X.25 packet
   service, you can connect to the X.121 NUA 262452036, login as
   "austpac" and route to "" from the X.25
   Suburbia features a easy to use yet powerful web menu system for the
   beginners or non unix literate users that is fast, efficient and easy
   to get the hang of.
   Alternatively, if you are a unix guru, or just want to learn unix then
   you can have access to a unix shell from the menus - or the menu's
   from the shell; thus you have the ability to use the menus or the unix
   shell whenever you wish!
Costs of access to Suburbia GNS

   Access Level : Unpaid Level 30

Time Limit : 4 hours a month, 30 minutes per call
Exclude time between calls : 10 minutes
Borrowed Time: Yes
Donation required : $FREE!
Period covered : Until we become capitalists ;-)

Services - Telnet  : No
         - FTP     : No
         - FSP     : No
         - IRC     : Yes
         - Mail    : Yes
         - News    : Yes
         - Talk    : Yes
         - MUD     : Yes
         - Screen  : No
         - Term    : No
         - PPP     : No
         - SLIP    : NO
         - WWW     : Yes (restricted)
         - Menus   : Yes
         - Shell   : No

   Access Level : Donater Level 2-90

Time Limit : 90 minutes a day, 45 minutes per call
Exclude time between calls : 4 minutes
Borrowed Time: Yes
Donation required: $70 (employed), $50 (concession)
Period covered: 12 months

Services - Telnet  : Yes
         - FTP     : Yes
         - FSP     : Yes
         - IRC     : Yes
         - Mail    : Yes
         - News    : Yes
         - Talk    : Yes
         - MUD     : Yes
         - Screen  : Yes
         - Term    : Yes
         - PPP     : Yes
         - SLIP    : Yes
         - WWW     : Yes
         - Menus   : Yes
         - Shell   : Yes

   Access Level : Donater Level 2-180

Time Limit : 3 hours a day, 90 minutes per call
Exclude time between calls : 4 minutes
Borrowed Time: Yes
Donation required : $95 (employed), $75 (concession)
Period covered: 12 months

Services - Telnet  : Yes
         - FTP     : Yes
         - FSP     : Yes
         - IRC     : Yes
         - Mail    : Yes
         - News    : Yes
         - Talk    : Yes
         - MUD     : Yes
         - Screen  : Yes
         - Term    : Yes
         - PPP     : Yes
         - SLIP    : Yes
         - WWW     : Yes
         - Menus   : Yes
         - Shell   : Yes

   Access Level : Donater Level 2-300

Time Limit : 5 hours a day, 150 minutes per call
Exclude time between calls : 4 minutes
Borrowed Time: Yes
Donation required : $140 (employed), $100 (concession)
Period covered: 12 months

Services - Telnet  : Yes
         - FTP     : Yes
         - FSP     : Yes
         - IRC     : Yes
         - Mail    : Yes
         - News    : Yes
         - Talk    : Yes
         - MUD     : Yes
         - Screen  : Yes
         - Term    : Yes
         - PPP     : Yes
         - SLIP    : Yes
         - WWW     : Yes
         - Menus   : Yes
         - Shell   : Yes

   Access Level : Donater Level Unlimited!

Time Limit : None. (idle timeouts still apply)
Exclude time between calls : 0 minutes
Borrowed Time: Irrelevant ;-)
Donation required : $200 (employed), $150 (concession)
Period covered: 12 months

Services - Telnet  : Yes
         - FTP     : Yes
         - FSP     : Yes
         - IRC     : Yes
         - Mail    : Yes
         - News    : Yes
         - Talk    : Yes
         - MUD     : Yes
         - Screen  : Yes
         - Term    : Yes
         - PPP     : Yes
         - SLIP    : Yes
         - WWW     : Yes
         - Menus   : Yes
         - Shell   : Yes

   Access Level : Permanent Connection

Please email zerohour, or proff if you wish to discuss getting a permanent conn
ection to suburbia

How to apply for an account

   To apply for an account, call (03)596-8366 (modem) or telnet to and login as "register".
How to donate to Suburbia GNS and upgrade your access

   You can pay by credit card (while on-line!), 1900 calls (while
   on-line!) or cheque or money order!
    To Donate by credit card (bankcard, visa, mastercard only):
   Suburbia's on-line credit system provides an way of instantly
   upgrading your existing account to superior access levels entirely
   without human intervention. The basic steps follow below (its easier
   than it looks).
    1. Decide on what sort of access you need (e.g $35/$50
       (student/employed)) is the basic rate.
    2. Have ready your VISA, Bankcard or Mastercard.
    3. Connect to Suburbia and choose `Credit Transactions' from the
       menu, or login as the user "credit" or type "nipopin -I" from the
       shell prompt.
    4. Choose "(c)redit account with credit card".
    5. Enter in the card type, card number, name on card and expiry date.
    6. Enter the number of Suburbia credits you would like to purchase.
    7. Goto the Nipopin "(p)urchasing" menu and choose your desired
       access level (you can `trade in' the full value of an old access
       level towards a new one).
    8. Your account has now been upgraded! Your enhanced status will kick
       in on your next call (unless you logged in as "credit" - then the
       changes will take effect immediately).
    To Donate by cheque or money order (ask your post office/bank how get one
    if you don't know):
   Make the Check/M.O payable to 'Mark Dorset' and post it to:

                          l Suburbia GNS        l
                          l P.O. Box 75         l
                          l Gardenvale Vic 3185 l

   Remember to include your login and real name if you want your access
   As soon as the donation is received your access will be upgraded. If
   you would like your photograph (or something else) added to your WWW
   home page for other users to see, just post it in, and we will scan it
   for you.
    To Donate by 1-900 number and instatly upgrade access anytime of the day or
   Simply dial a combination of the 1-900 numbers below to reach the
   amount you want to donate to Suburbia GNS. You will receive a short
   message of welcome, and then will be asked to press '0' to donate. A
   secret PIN number will be read at which point you can call suburbia
   back (if you only have one phone line), type the PIN number in on the
   credit menu, and instantly have your account upgraded. The amount you
   donate will be charged to you on your next phone bill. Note that the
   below are recorded message voice numbers, not a modem/data numbers.
     * 190-114-7503 = $10 credit on Suburbia
     * 190-114-9002 = $30 credit on Suburbia
   Remeber, you may need to call these numbers a few times to gain the
   correct amount of credit to donate. Once you have the PIN numbers
   written down, log back in and enter the credit menu to 'pay' for your
   nb. Suburbia looses 30% of 1900 payments to telecom, so if you can pay
   by one of the other payments methods depicted we would really
   appreciate it.
   If you have any general questions, please forward them to:
   Or to the administrators individually:
   Mark Dorset (
          New user inquiries, donations & finance, policy and hardware.
   Julian Assange (
          Technical consultant and programmer of timer system, WWW,
          ftp/file server, guest accounts, menu system, security, kernel
          patches, (unix) SLIP/PPP, NIPOPIN credit system, news, and
          sundry other things.
   Frank Scott (
          All PPP, SLIP, Winsock, CUCME, iphone, WWW home pages & HTML,
   Justin Evans (
          General internet/unix quries, helpdesk, networked Doom.