UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE PUBLIC HEARING ON USE OF THE PATENT SYSTEM TO PROTECT SOFTWARE_RELATED INVENTIONS January 27, 1994 COMMISSIONER LEHMAN: Good morning. Welcome to our second day of hearings on the use of the patent system to protect software_related inventions. Yesterday we had an excellent series of speakers. I think we all learned a lot here, those of us who came from the Commerce Department in Washington. You all gave us a wide variety of opinions and I know that today is going to be just as good and we're going to be armed with all the information we need to im- prove our patent system when we get back to Washington. I'd like to just, for those of you who might not have been here today, briefly introd216ere on this panel. I am Bruce Lehman. My official title is Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks. And to my immediate right is Ginger Lew, Assistant Secretary of Commerce and General Counsel of the Department of Commerce Desig- nate, and Ginger Lew was a practicing lawyer until a few months ago up here in the Bay Area and knows this area very well and knows a lot of the industries and businesses that are involved very well. And then to my far right is Michael Kirk. Mike Kirk is the current Assistant Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks for External Affairs and the President has nominated him to be the Deputy Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks. And to my left, immediate left, is Lawrence Goffney, and Larry Goffney the President has nominated him to be our new Assistant Commissioner for Patents. He will be running the entire patent operation, with over 3,OOO employees at our Patent Office in Washington, and will play a very critical role in the dev`ment of these policies. And then finally Jeff Kushan is a Staff Member of our Office of Legislation and International Affairs and he is the person who did a lot of the leg work in setting this up and his name is listed, as you know, on the Federal Register Notice. I'd also like to __ I don't know if Gerry Goldberg is here yet this morning __ but I want to observe the presence of Gerry Gold- berg, who is the Director of Group 23O, or 23OO, which is the Software Examining Group. Is Gerry __? I don't see him around here yet. Okay, well, he'll be here later. I think many of you know him and I'm certain he will be available to you if you have private comments to make to him. Finally, I'd like to introduce the young lady in the blue suit who just came in is Ruth Ford, who's our Director of Media Rela- tions, and I know we have a number of media and press people who've been here and if you have any needs that need to be dealt with, Ruth will be happy to assist you with that. So I'd just like to basically revdagain the ground rules that we're going to be operating with this morning. The people who will be testifying today should have received a schedule indicating their approximate time that they've been as- signed to give their remarks and I think we even have that on a table up front. The list is available there. And I'd encourage all of the people who are going to be talking with us today to be here at least 2O minutes before your time, your assigned time slot. And sometimes we get going a little bit __ we get speeded up, maybe somebody didn't show up and so then we end up having our schedule advanced beyond what we thought it would be. Each person will have 11 minutes for their presentation and the computer monitor in front of us here will display a green screen for 9 minutes and then it will turn yellow and when the screen turns red that means that the 11 minutes is up. And I encourage everybody to be cooperative with us if at all possible and try to stick to those limits. Otherwise we'll sort of havh politely ask you to wrap up. To the extent that you can finish before 11 minutes, it's not such a bad idea because it gives us a little more freedom to have a dialogue and ask questions and get really a better sense of where you're coming from and understand your testimony better. In addition to, of course, these oral comments, we're open to ad- ditional written comments from everybody, and additional written comments from all those who are going to be testifying today, maybe something is said by one of the other people that you feel you have to follow up on, and those can be submitted to us in our office and I think the address for all of that has been indicated in the Federal Register Notice that has been circulated through the Internet and was in the Federal Register Notice itself. That Notice can be retrieved from our FTP site, which is: Com- ments, period, USPT O, period, GOB. The transcripts of the hearings will be available after February 7th and paper copies will be available for a charge of $3Olhe transcripts will also be available through our FTP site. Once again, I want to welcome everybody here, and it's wonderful to see that we have this kind of interest for a second day in how we can improve the legal basis for high technology in the United States. I'd like to call on our first speaker, who will be Jerry Fiddler, CEO and Chairman of Wind River Systems. Welcome, Mr. Fiddler.