WILLIS HIGGINS, ESQ. COOLEY GODWARD LAW FIRM, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA MR. HIGGINS: Thank you very much, Commissioner Lehman, ladies and gentlemen. I should state first that I'm a partner at the Cooley Godward firm and I've headed the firm's electronics and software patent prosecution practice, but will add the views that I express in my written statement and here at this oral testimony are personal and do not represent the views of the firm or any of its clients. In general I'm going to follow the order of my prepared statement, but I'm not going to read it into the record. At this point I think you've heard enough discussion on this issue that if I were to read this into the record, that would probably put you all to sleep. I think that a fundamental issue that merits some discussion is the distinction between the way the copyright system works administratively and the way the patent system works administratively, because I think that difference has very significant policy implications. Of course, the copyright system, being a registration system, there is essentially no administrative record that a court can rely on to decide the cases of nonliteral copyright infringement, the so_called look and feel cases. What that means is that a Federal District Court judge or, even worse, a Federal District Court jury is put in the position, to a certain extent, of the patent examiner and has to take a look at the copyrighted work, other similar earlier copyrighted or noncopyrighted works, the prior art, if you will, and then attempt to distill what's the contribution of the copyrighted work in question, and all of this with nothing in the record as an aid to determining what is the proper scope of this copyrighted work and has that been infringed in the nonliteral similarities between the copyrighted work and the alleged infringing work. On the other hand, in the patent system at least the courts start with a headstart. There is an administrative record, there is a testing of the alleged inventive subject matter against some prior art and an attempt to define in the patent claims what the scope of that work is. And for that reason, I think any attempt to eliminate patents for software is going to cause a lot of problems by throwing these difficult questions back into the copyright arena, and the courts have struggled for years to devise tests that will make the determination of the scope of these copyrights easy, and they simply haven't been able to do it, and the nature of the intense in fact inquiries required to make those judgments I think means that they're just not going to be able to come up with easy tests in that area, so that the inherent nature of the patent system and the copyright system say that it's absolutely essential for the patent system to play a significant role in the protection of American intellectual property. I think, and I've developed that theme further in two publications that are attached to my prepared statement. But the second area I'd like to talk about, I haven't developed in those publications, it's developed to some degree in the statement, and that concerns the implications to be derived form the institutional practices in the Patent Office and what conclusions should be drawn from those institutional practices with respect to how the examination of software_related patents are handled. Of course, we all know that the time that examiners can devote to each patent application is limited. The examiners, of course, are on a form of a quota system in which their performance is measured by disposals. Now what the means is that, if examiners are handicapped with respect to other examiners by extra procedures that don't apply in other art areas, it gets very difficult to provide a good objective measurement standard for their performance. Fundamentally what I'm talking about here is the whole issue of statutory subject matter and the very complex set of rules that have been developed with respect to that, and, of course, anyone who reads the guidelines, reads the case law, sees that extremely fine distinctions are drawn in the case law and it's very difficult to conclude is this claim on the right side of those guidelines or on the wrong side of the guidelines. Based on my practical experience, I find that too often in the examination process, most of the effort is directed to testing on the 101 issues and on claim language, and very little attention is devoted in many cases to measuring the contribution against the prior art to determine whether that contribution is new and unobvious. And, of course, given the limited time that examiners have available for each application, if they're in effect forced to deal with these extra issues of statutory subject matter, that means that they're going to have less time available to deal with the truly significant issues of is it new and is it useful and has the new and useful contribution properly been defined in the claims that are before the office. So the suggestion that I would make is in terms of statutory subject matter is follow the lead suggested by the Supreme Court that essentially the patent system should cover anything under the sun developed by man, and move on to the really significant questions of judging against the prior art. And I think most of the comments, most of the comments that I've heard, and no doubt most of the comments that you've heard earlier are not that the Patent Office is calling it wrong in the statutory subject matter area, but calling it wrong in some cases with respect to prior art that either wasn't available or that wasn't properly evaluated. So that I think is the sum and substance of the second area I wanted to discuss. The third area I want to talk a little bit about is the form and content of patent applications, although as set forth in the notice of these hearings, that's really going to be more primarily the subject of your next hearing, but I think there are some policy issues here as well. Again, in determine what kind of form, what kind of format should be used in patent applications and deposits of source code if they're going to be used, what's important, I think, is to make a judgment call on whether a particular form, format or procedure adds value to the process. Does it do something to give us stronger patents. So, for example, requiring applicants to deposit source code in a very rigidly defined microfiche format probably doesn't add a whole lot of value to the process. Why not allow the applicant to deposit the source code, if it's going to be deposited, on disk in machinery to perform so that it can be more easily accommodated in online databases and other machine searchable tools. So again, as an example here, look to the question of what value is being added by the procedures, and I would say that requiring one form over another as opposed to what's the content of what you're submitting doesn't add value any more than the debate over the fine lines in statutory subject matter adding value. So in summary, what I would say is that in order to strengthen our patent system, we should cut to the chase, get to the questions of novelty and unobviousness over the prior art, and I think as an interim measure, what we as patent attorneys have to do is assume a proactive stance. We've got our Rule 56 obligations that say that we should call the attention to the Patent Office of prior art that we know about. If we want to obtain good, strong, valid patents for our clients, we've got to do more than that. We've got to go out and look for the prior art and get it in the record so that it's considered and overcome. And if we do that, coupled with increased efforts on your part to develop your own prior art databases, then I think the end result will be a much stronger patent system. Thank you very much. COMMISSIONER LEHMAN: Thank you very much, Mr. Higgins, for taking the time to think through all of this and give us your comments. Finally, our last witness of the day and of the entire two days of hearings is Mr. Joseph Grace of Tetrasoft.