What's New
MicroPro Enhances WordStar
BYTE Magazine
January 1985
MicroPro's WordStar 2000 adds a number of features to its popular WordStar word-processing program. Some of the enhancements are an Undo command to restore deleted text, use of windows to view up to three documents simultaneously, user-definable function keys, a "keystroke glossary" for frequently typed text or command sequences, footnoting, spelling correction, proportional spacing, and on-screen boldfacing, underlining, centering, and pagination.
WordStar 2000 also includes some spreadsheet and database features. It can perform calculations within a document, sort lists of text or numbers, and merge data into letters for customized mailings.
A separate version, called WordStar 2000 Plus, adds telecommunications, a mailing list database program, and indexing and table of contents capabilities.
WordStar 2000 requires an IBM PC or compatible with PC-DOS 2 .0 or later, 256K bytes of memory, and two double-sided disk drives: a hard disk is recommended. WordStar 2000 Plus requires a Hayes Smartmodem or compatible modem to use the telecommunications features.
WordStar 2000 is $495; WordStar 2000 Plus is $595. Current WordStar owners can upgrade to WordStar 2000 for $250 or WordStar 2000 Plus for $350. For more information, contact MicroPro International Corp., 33 San Pablo Ave., San Rafael. CA 94903, (415) 499-1200.
Copyright 1985