Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!genrad!decvax!cca!z From: z@cca.UUCP Newsgroups: net.general,net.unix-wizards,net.emacs Subject: Important notice for EMACS users Message-ID: <4874@cca.UUCP> Date: Mon, 13-Jun-83 16:51:48 EDT Article-I.D.: cca.4874 Posted: Mon Jun 13 16:51:48 1983 Date-Received: Tue, 14-Jun-83 04:29:24 EDT Lines: 48 This notice is directed to all users of CCA EMACS, version 162.35z or earlier, and users of Montgomery's EMACS (BTL EMACS). Versions of CCA EMACS up to and including version 162.35z had contained some portions of Warren Montgomery's EMACS version 4.0, which was developed by Mr. Montgomery at Bell Laboratories. Beginning with CCA EMACS version 162.36z, CCA EMACS no longer contained any of the code from Mr. Montgomery's EMACS, or any methods or concepts which would be known only by programmers familiar with BTL EMACS of any version. CCA has not shipped any versions of CCA EMACS earlier than version 162.36z since January, 1983. On May 19, 1983 CCA was informed that Bell Laboratories considers BTL's EMACS version 4.0, developed by Mr. Montgomery, to be Bell Laboratories proprietary information. They have asked us to notify those persons to whom we may have distributed Mr. Montgomery's EMACS, or parts thereof, that Bell Laboratories considers that software to be proprietary and that its use must be discontinued and all copies in the possession of these people must be destroyed immediately. Although CCA no longer uses any of the code asserted by Bell Laboratories to be proprietary information, we realize that these assertions by Bell Laboratories may cause some inconvenience. Therefore, we would like to make the following offer: If you are using a version of CCA EMACS earlier than 162.36z, we will replace it with a version of the current CCA EMACS which has been configured to have the same capabilities as your present EMACS, but which contains none of Mr. Montgomery's code. There will be no charge for this replacement. All that we ask is that you sign the standard CCA EMACS license agreement and send us a tape containing the version of CCA EMACS that you are now using; we will return the tape with your replacement EMACS. Although the replacement EMACSes we will be sending out will have basically the same capabilities as the ones they are replacing, they will actually be an improvement, since the new routines are superior to the ones they replace. However, the replacement copies will not have all the various features which have been added to CCA EMACS since the originals were obtained. If users of these older versions would like to take this opportunity to upgrade to the current version of CCA EMACS, we will make this easier by making a one-time offer of $475 per CPU license, in contrast to the normal $850 for the first CPU and $680 for additional CPU's. There is no discount on the educational fee of $350 per CPU. Both the offer of a free replacement EMACS and the discount price on the current EMACS are valid through August 15, 1983. Steve Zimmerman decvax!cca!z {allegra,philabs}!linus!cca!z