Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utcsrgv.UUCP Path: utzoo!utcsrgv!mason From: ma...@utcsrgv.UUCP (Dave Mason) Newsgroups: net.usenix Subject: Usenix day 1 review Message-ID: <1750@utcsrgv.UUCP> Date: Thu, 14-Jul-83 01:01:58 EDT Article-I.D.: utcsrgv.1750 Posted: Thu Jul 14 01:01:58 1983 Date-Received: Thu, 14-Jul-83 01:44:30 EDT Organization: CSRG, University of Toronto Lines: 78 Just to keep you poor people who aren't attending informed: - The opening remarks were the usual sort of thing. - Michael Lesk gave an interesting keynote address centred around whether Unix was really user friendly or not. The talk was good overall but one of the major points was based on a comparison between a "command oriented" system vs. a menu oriented system. I quote "command oriented" because in fact it wasn't, in fact it was a keyword matching system which was clearly superior for his application. Overall though the points were well made. - This was followed by an un-adulterated sales pitch from WEco. This was my first Usenix conference, so I don't know if it was typical, but judging from the hissing from the audience I assume not. If DEC made such a strong sales pitch at a DECUS there would be a substantial uproar. I nominate that if double scheduling of sessions is neccessary next year that this session be opposite something dull like Ritchie, Thompson, Joy, etc. discussing UN*X futures! - I attended part of each of the A & B sessions thereafter. - The Holt, Mendell & Perelgut (from UofToronto) paper on TUNIS was well presented (though I may be biased as I already had seen most of the material & am at UofToronto) They were talking about redesigning the Unix nucleus and writing it in a high level language with concurrency features (Concurrent Euclid) and with potential for proofs of correctness. The design is very clear. - Michel Gien from France then talked about SOL. It adheres closer to the original design of Unix, but was done in basically ISO standard Pascal, which neccessitated substantial changes. - I moved to the programming tools session: - Nakumara & Murai from Tokyo were talking about an extension to the man system to include on line help from within programs and general sub- stantial increase in speed. The slides for this were very full and moved too fast, but it seemed interesting. - Farley, Kunkel & Thompson from Mark Williams then described a very advanced C source level debugger that they currently have running on Concurrent on the DEC Rainbow. It sounds like it is probably slow right now if you are doing complex things, but it is very ambitious and allows a lot of possibilities. - I then got lost in the Exhibition area for a while and missed some reportedly interesting approaches to the "'make' problem". - Wilens from COSI described a port of Unix (called Serix) to the IBM Series 1 computer, an act that deserves an award for bravery ( and possibly something else). He wasn't very forthcoming about features, but the explanation of the architecture from the viewpoint of a Unix-like OS was quite interesting. - Dunietz & Powell from Microsoft talked about how the Z80 is interfaced to the 68000 in the TRS16 to perform the I/O for TRS-XENIX. Well presented and fairly interesting. - Laura Neff from National Semiconducter then talked about the port of Unix (called Genix) to the 16000 with particular reference to the memory management, and the mapping of files to address spaces. - There was a BOF session about the Teletype 5620 a.k.a. (although not totally correctly) the BLIT. This is a 1024x800 bit mapped terminal with a Belmacs 32 ,256kb and no graphics processor in it. The hardware is nice but nothing spectacular. The software on the other hand is quite interest- ing. In the most commonly used mode, the terminal can have up to 6 user windows simultaneously on the screen. Each of these can be connected to a Unix process on the host, and the creation and destruction of these is very nicely handled. The bad news comes in 2 parts: $6000 and binary only support for System 5 only. The price didn't come in for much discussion, but nobody in the room expressed much interest in the binaries only. As this was partly a fishing expedition, hopefully the response will change this policy. Note that all this is preliminary, delivery is December, although the price sounded pretty firm. - This was followed by a reception at the Ontario Science Centre where all and sundry walked in slanted rooms, figured out digital logic, tried to make a Votrax say "UNIX", and generally acted like big kids. A fine time was had by all. ....whew!...I thought I was jotting down a couple lines...oh well, hope this is helpful, and hope it doesn't steal all the wind out of the sails of the people that did attend from your site. UNIX is a trademark of ... XENIX is a trademark... ... -- Gandalf's flunky Hobbit -- Dave Mason, U. Toronto CSRG, {cornell,watmath,ihnp4,floyd,allegra,utzoo,uw-beaver}!utcsrgv!mason or {cwruecmp,duke,linus,lsuc,research}!utzoo!utcsrgv!mason (UUCP)
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utcsrgv.UUCP Path: utzoo!utcsrgv!mason From: ma...@utcsrgv.UUCP (Dave Mason) Newsgroups: net.usenix Subject: Day 2 of Usenix Message-ID: <1765@utcsrgv.UUCP> Date: Fri, 15-Jul-83 09:07:22 EDT Article-I.D.: utcsrgv.1765 Posted: Fri Jul 15 09:07:22 1983 Date-Received: Fri, 15-Jul-83 09:29:32 EDT Organization: CSRG, University of Toronto Lines: 63 This is going to be short. As mentioned in another note, 3 hours of typing disappeared....sigh... - Steffan & Veach (Bell Labs) EMACS editor shell. - Dave Korn (Bell Labs) Bourne shell extension. Uses editor above or vi for history editing. Job control where OS supports. Only problem: the someone pointed out: Real Programmers don't use KiScHe! - Zelitzky & Srivastava (National Semi) talked about EPascal and C compilers for 16000. Not as polished as others but good info content. Included info on 16000 module hardware. - Ross (ANDYNE) & Taylor (DCIEM) talked about Unix extensions to provide real- time support. Unlike the standard approach (particularly on RSX etc.) the program & OS make a contract of the form (from the program view): "I promise not to use more than X seconds of CPU time in the next Y seconds if you (the OS) promise to make sure that I will get X sec of CPU in the next Y seconds." The scheduler at any point runs the process that is the closest to exceeding its deadline, and the OS contract negotiator only accepts contracts that it knows it can meet. - Cordy & Holt (UofToronto) talked about Turing, a new Pascal derivative now being used for introductory CS courses. It is designed toward several goals: easy to teach/learn, formal verification, reliability, efficiency, interaction. The surprising thing is that it seems to meet the goals (yes I am from UofT, but I AM impressed). - Tanenbaum, van Staveren & Keizer (Free University, Amsterdam) talked about portable compilers. This is a revival of the UNCOL ideas where with L languages & M machines, one writes L front ends to produce intermediate code and M code generators to read the intermediate code. The system looks interesting (producing C & Pascal compilers) but slow. The optimizations can be disabled to speed things up, and there is an interpretter for the intermediate language (called EM). - Then we got to the Unix directions session. - Rob Pike (Bell Labs) gave a good talk on creeping featurism and how it was bogging down Unix. 4.2 kernel is ~10 times the size of the V5 kernel, and Rob sees this as a symptom. - Jim Balter (INTERACTIVE Systems) talked about differences between System III and System V. Seemed like a lot of incompatibility for not much gain. - Chambers & Quarterman (UofTexas-Austin) compared 4.1c & System V. It is rumoured that these systems both evolved from something called V7. If this is indeed the case, it must have happened sometime before we came down from the trees, cuz there sure are a lot of differences now. - Mike O'Dell (UCBerkeley) talked about when 4.2 is coming out...a year or so, except it's called 4.3, and a subset called 4.2 is already on the way, or at least the licenses agreements are. There have been several personnel changes and it will take a while to get everything straight. - Then there was a Unix Futures Panel chaired by Mike Tilson (UCR) and with Pike, Balter, O'Dell and Denis Ritchie (Bell Labs). There was a lot of discussion and I am a little short of time, but my overall impression was not very positive. Everybody seemed to agree that Unix is THE system of the present, and the base of the systems of the future, and that Unix is going to continue to gain features (tho as mentioned above that isn't neccessarily good) but that it has reached maturity and will slowly slip into senility. Yet more evidence that maturity is here is the fact that there were about 1500 people at the conference. One possible future that Unix is related to is the use of things like the BLIT/5620, but the future will be held off until the price starts to become more reasonable. Well I gotta go, so I remain, with asbestos sheet :-) -- Gandalf's flunky Hobbit -- Dave Mason, U. Toronto CSRG, {cornell,watmath,ihnp4,floyd,allegra,utzoo,uw-beaver}!utcsrgv!mason or {cwruecmp,duke,linus,lsuc,research}!utzoo!utcsrgv!mason (UUCP)
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site watmath.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!bstempleton From: bstemple...@watmath.UUCP (Brad Templeton) Newsgroups: net.usenix Subject: On the floor of summer USENIX 83 Message-ID: <5520@watmath.UUCP> Date: Fri, 15-Jul-83 19:36:59 EDT Article-I.D.: watmath.5520 Posted: Fri Jul 15 19:36:59 1983 Date-Received: Sat, 16-Jul-83 00:54:01 EDT Organization: U of Waterloo, Ontario Lines: 50 Moments from USENIX for those who could not make it: (probably not in the procedings) - A nasty session with the AT&T rep. Hissing whenever he said that some new system was "truly a sophisticated ....", which he did, several times. Alex White asked why they didn't send anybody real, he got a round of applause. - "Sex, Drugs and UNIX(TM)" buttons were a hot item. You did not get these from people at HCR, and they were not worn by non-hcr high-ups whose initials are not M.T. or R.B. - Also popular were the old Waterloo "There's only 1 TRUE brace style" buttons and ones that said "If SOURCE is outlawed, then only outlaws will have SOURCE". A person very similar to me had on a button that said "Nuke Lady Arwen for Christ". No offense to L.A. - A good reception at the Science Centre. With this great fancy place to explore, several people could think of nothing better to do than to look at the Science Centre's Vax. A rather interesting laser display, where Usenauts, pretending they were from the great unwashed, suggested you would make a laser lens out of wood, very small rocks or a duck. - Two Andy Tannenbaums, which caused some confusion. If the one from Vrije (sp) university had not worn a BTL badge, it might have helped clear things up. I made this mistake myself. - Not at all a complete set of unix box vendors at the show. - B NEWS SUCKS buttons, even one for Mark Horton, although I'm not sure he put it on. - Good IMAX show at the Cinesphere. All the standard ones plus a few I had not seen. Hail Columbia was quite good. David Yost of Fortune gave alb@harpo a Hail Columbia button at the show. Many die-hards stayed to 3 am. I hope they did not show up at the 8:30 am session! Thanks to Fortune systems. Renting the Cinesphere must have cost them one. IMAX may become a regular USENIX feature. We learned that Americans and Canadians are both capable of making strongly moralistic IMAX documentaries. - The balance of the sexes in the UNIX community is getting better, but only slightly. Only a couple of women were at Gred Wood's party. - Only one vicious session, that on "cat -v considered harmful" by Rob Pike of BTL. The UCB vs. BTL split in the unix community seems to be getting nastier! -- Brad Templeton - Waterloo, Ont. (519) 886-7304
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site ucbvax.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!wivax!decvax!tektronix!ucbcad!ucbvax!mo From: m...@ucbvax.UUCP Newsgroups: net.usenix Subject: Re: On the floor of summer USENIX 83 Message-ID: <237@ucbvax.UUCP> Date: Wed, 20-Jul-83 11:26:35 EDT Article-I.D.: ucbvax.237 Posted: Wed Jul 20 11:26:35 1983 Date-Received: Thu, 21-Jul-83 19:37:43 EDT References: <5520@watmath.UUCP> Organization: U. C. Berkeley Computer Science Lines: 32 On the contrary - I suspect and hope that over time, people will see some convergence between BTL and UCB systems. There will probably always be incompatabilities, but the order of magnitude can be dramatically reduced, and the parties involved are all interested in seeing that happen. As for Rob's talk being viscious, I heartily disagree (even being on the receiving end of things). Most of his points are truly right and large systems do suffer from "excessive creativity" over large time. Rob used his usual flair for hyperbole to make a strong point, but I certainly agree much more than I disagree. I do disagree with the abstract included in the schedule (for my money, autoconfig alll by itself is a factor of 10 improvement, but arguing that is another day), but the real content of his talk hit several nails squarely on the head. From looking at other "computer science mainstreams" (dare I say ADA?), I am glad we have people strong enough in conviction and intellectual integrity to stand up and point out "truths which may be unpleasant". Whether they are truths may be the subject of vigorous debate, but I thank Rob for the service he did. -Mike O'Dell PS - the quote from the Lion books was priceless. PSS - my old boss had a saying well worth repeating in a world where some people seem to find it easier to pogram than to think about what they are trying to do: "Creativity is no substitute for knowing what you are doing."
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site wivax.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!wivax!dyer From: d...@wivax.UUCP (Stephen Dyer) Newsgroups: net.usenix Subject: Re: On the floor of summer USENIX 83 Message-ID: <18458@wivax.UUCP> Date: Thu, 21-Jul-83 19:47:56 EDT Article-I.D.: wivax.18458 Posted: Thu Jul 21 19:47:56 1983 Date-Received: Fri, 22-Jul-83 03:29:24 EDT References: <5520@watmath.UUCP> <237@ucbvax.UUCP> Organization: Wang Institute, Tyngsboro, Ma. Lines: 5 Indeed, the only vicious event at USENIX was the stand-up commentary attacking Rob Pike that someone in the audience made after the "future of UNIX" talk. I was amazed how personally this guy (couldn't see who he was) took Pike's intentionally overstated comments. I must remember to add UNIX to my list of taboos along with sex and politics.
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site cbosgd.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!decvax!tektronix!ucbcad!ucbvax!cbosgd!mark From: m...@cbosgd.UUCP Newsgroups: net.usenix Subject: Re: On the floor of summer USENIX 83 Message-ID: <136@cbosgd.UUCP> Date: Fri, 22-Jul-83 16:29:36 EDT Article-I.D.: cbosgd.136 Posted: Fri Jul 22 16:29:36 1983 Date-Received: Sun, 24-Jul-83 01:47:59 EDT References: <5520@watmath.UUCP>, <237@ucbvax.UUCP> Organization: Bell Labs, Columbus Lines: 34 I suppose we could all find some inconsistency in V6 UNIX to counter Rob (e.g. ed regular expressions are different from shell regular expressions), and I do wish I had had my set of 6x9 Berkeley manuals there so I could have pulled them from my briefcase as a counterexample, but he did make many good points, and the gist of his talk was well worthwhile. (I suppose I should point out that, even though he considers cat -v to be wrong, I consider his Blit code to be wrong. It's all in the eye of the beholder.) I would like to see someone go through the manuals of system V and 4.2BSD and heartlessly throw out as many options as possible. Many of the options to, say, ls are just burying the poor user. Notice I said options, not features. Many features can be turned on, with no way to turn them off, and almost nobody would mind. (Of course, some zealot will complain about every one no matter what you do.) For example, the 4.2BSD "ls -g" option could be always turned on, showing both owner and group. The -i option could be part of -l. The -F option could be on unless -1 is on. Similar arguments could be made for the tty driver - while it's good to have all those strange bits to control at the ioctl level, the user stty command needs only a few options. Things like ctlecho, crterase (or echoe for system V), should probably always be on. I do strongly agree with Rob that page mode in the tty driver (or in the terminal, if at least one manufacturer could be made to do it right) would obviate the need for every program in the world to filter its output through more. Even the author of more felt the code really belonged in the tty driver (although certainly not as fancy as the more command is), but neither Berkeley nor USG will consider it. Too bad - a half dozen UNIX systems have it (including the Fortune) and it's a real win. Mark Horton