Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site rabbit.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!cmcl2!floyd!vax135!ariel!hou5f!hou5g!hou5h!eagle! allegra!alice!rabbit!ark From: a...@rabbit.UUCP Newsgroups: net.cog-eng Subject: user-friendly? Message-ID: <1986@rabbit.UUCP> Date: Wed, 28-Sep-83 09:11:08 EDT Article-I.D.: rabbit.1986 Posted: Wed Sep 28 09:11:08 1983 Date-Received: Thu, 29-Sep-83 05:41:03 EDT Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill Lines: 8 It occurred to me last night that by borrowing two current buzzwords somewhat out of context, we can describe the UNIX* system pretty well: "expert-friendly" Actually, I'm partial to user-hostile ignorance-based amateur systems :-) * UNIX is a Trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site watmath.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!idallen From: idal...@watmath.UUCP Newsgroups: net.cog-eng Subject: Re: expert-friendly: are long names a waste of time? Message-ID: <6015@watmath.UUCP> Date: Sun, 23-Oct-83 16:31:58 EDT Article-I.D.: watmath.6015 Posted: Sun Oct 23 16:31:58 1983 Date-Received: Mon, 24-Oct-83 00:30:35 EDT References: <558@minn-ua.UUCP> Organization: U of Waterloo, Ontario Lines: 19 But most short names are abbreviations for long names. RM is an abbreviation for REMOVE FILE, RMDIR is an abbreviation for REMOVE DIRECTORY. If you claim that nobody will remember a long name, then I claim you make it worse by forcing people to remember the abbreviation too. If you want to argue about what people will remember, then we should talk about ways to minimize the amount of stuff that has to be remembered. I don't know if memorizing arbitrary abbreviations is easier than remembering whole words, but I do know that memorizing fewer things is better than memorizing a lot of things. Teach me command names in a cross-product approach, where I only need to remember a few verbs and objects. Allow me synonyms for each. (Let DATASET be synonymous with FILE; let DELETE be synonymous with REMOVE.) Then, I can build most of my commands using the verbs and objects I know. -- -IAN! (Ian! D. Allen) University of Waterloo
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site utcsstat.UUCP Path: utzoo!utcsstat!laura From: la...@utcsstat.UUCP (Laura Creighton) Newsgroups: net.cog-eng,net.nlang Subject: Re: expert-friendly: are long names a waste of time? Message-ID: <1490@utcsstat.UUCP> Date: Sun, 27-Nov-83 23:53:45 EST Article-I.D.: utcsstat.1490 Posted: Sun Nov 27 23:53:45 1983 Date-Received: Mon, 28-Nov-83 00:38:58 EST References: <6196@watmath.UUCP>, <507@dciem.UUCP> Organization: U. of Toronto, Canada Lines: 69 I have been thinking about those long names. They will be a pain to type, right? So I will either have a shorter-to-type private version in my bin, or the command interpreter will understand abbreviations (perhaps like TOPS-20). So the question is "who are the long commands for"? there are people who like Ian Allen, find them aesthetically pleasing. this is all any very good for them, but if this is the primary reason then we can just ask Ian Allen to put long forms in *his* bin... there are novice users. Now, we never settled this the last time, but I still think that novice users have a very short lifetime. Give them a week or a month and they can learn to use "grep" and "cat" like the rest of us. It is possible to design systems for them, but this is (in my opinion) silly. They will be experts too quickly and will have the same complaints about the long names that the rest of us have -- they take too long to type. Thus it is only the marketing types that have "novice users" as their primary concern, since all they have to do is SELL the product -- once they have sold it it becomes the problem of the 'support staff' or some other group... there are casual users. I define casual users to be users that never will use the system often enough to become an expert -- or who use the system infrequently enough that they have to relearn the system every time as if "from scratch". Shoppers using a computerised store directory are the first sort, and professors who use the system once a year to put in a grant request and their latest paper are the second sort. I have come to the conclusion that these people are the primary beneficiaries of the 'long name' command syntaxes. But now that I have isolated (what I perceive as) the problem, I have come to the astonishing conclusion that THESE FOLK DON'T WANT LONG NAMES. These are the people who want menus. They want a pop-up menu with the answer to every possible mess they could get themselves into. Now, what is it that the long words have over the menus... THE MENUS TAKE TOO LONG TO GET DRAWN ON THE SCREENS. (we will assume that you have solved the 'from leaf to leaf I'm want to leap, across the branches I'm forced to creep' problem. It is hard, but not unsurrmountable.) The menus take forever to come up and get drawn. this problem is exacerbated by people who want to make it clear to the user that they knew every feature that the vt100 has, and thus play multiple bells and draw funny pictures in inverse video and play with the scrolling regions. It looks spiff-o but it *takes too long*. The problem with a menu system is that I can type faster than it will give me the menus, so I get pissed off with the whole thing. But this is not an inherant problem with menus. IT JUST MEANS THAT THE HARDWARE WAS NOT DESIGNED FOR MENUS. So if you had real slick fast hardware that didn't think that it was an ascii typewriter you could get a blindingly fast menu system. What if you had multiple windows (a la blits) and if the menu maintaining stuff lived in your terminal... I dunno folks. I think that the idea has merit, but then I haven't heard *anybody* talking about "hardware that thinks that it is a typewriter being user-hostile". I have yet to see the HARDWARE DESIGN raked over the coals as I just did...and there are a fair number of vociferous coal-rakers in the field of human factors... Maybe bitmapped displays are too new, or maybe I have been reading the wrong articles. What do other people think? I have just killed the pro-"long command names" group by assuming that long commands are menu-replacements that are useful only because menus take too long to draw on the screen -- probably that is unfair. But, for the life of me, I can't see what else they are for... Laura (puzzled) Creighton utzoo!utcsstat!laura
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site watmath.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!idallen From: idal...@watmath.UUCP Newsgroups: net.cog-eng,net.nlang Subject: Re: expert-friendly: are long names a waste of time? Message-ID: <6206@watmath.UUCP> Date: Mon, 28-Nov-83 18:05:00 EST Article-I.D.: watmath.6206 Posted: Mon Nov 28 18:05:00 1983 Date-Received: Tue, 29-Nov-83 04:51:17 EST References: <6196@watmath.UUCP>, <507@dciem.UUCP>, <1490@utcsstat.UUCP> Organization: U of Waterloo, Ontario Lines: 67 ======================================================================= From la...@utcsstat.UUCP (Laura Creighton) Sun Nov 27 23:53:45 1983 I have been thinking about those long names. They will be a pain to type, right? Right, but what good is a command name that is easy to type, if you can't remember it? Remember the name first, abbreviate it only when you use it often enough to need an abbreviation. The abbreviation might even be a system alias for the long name. Or, it can be a personal alias chosen when you find yourself using the command a lot. I wonder which is easier to remember, an abbreviation I choose myself, or one someone else chooses for me? With long names at least no one is *forcing* me to remember their abbreviations. And, if I forget my own abbreviation I can still use the full name... there are people who like Ian Allen, find them aesthetically pleasing. Wasn't me that said this. I like them because they are easier to learn and remember than abbreviations. Less brain work. there are novice users. They will be experts too quickly and will have the same complaints about the long names that the rest of us have -- they take too long to type. Quickly? How will nonsense names help them learn? If you want names that are easy to type, then do the job properly and assign your favourite 26 commands to letters of the alphabet (very favourite eight to the home row of the keyboard, of course). Novice users are either going to remain novices, in which case you shouldn't expect them to use a command language at all, or else they are going to become....... ... casual users. I define casual users to be users that never will use the system often enough to become an expert -- or who use the system infrequently enough that they have to relearn the system every time as if "from scratch". Every user who has ever forgotten or had to look up the name of a command is in this category. There are no "experts"; only experts in some area. Even our local UNIX gurus don't know all the INGRES database commands that are in /usr/bin. Any time you go scrambling for the name of a command, you aren't an expert. You are in need of mnemonic aid for a command name. You don't need a cryptic abbreviation, you need something you can remember. Something that works in with all the other command names you know. I have come to the astonishing conclusion that THESE FOLK DON'T WANT LONG NAMES. Research report number? These are the people who want menus. They want a pop-up menu with the answer to every possible mess they could get themselves into. Hey, you forgot to interview me. When I need to do something, I don't want to have to call for a menu of all possible moves (especially at UNIX shell command level -- at last count WATMATH had 400 command names out there). I'd rather that the command names were structured so that I could build on what I already knew (like deriving debug_pascal from compile_pascal). I have just killed the pro-"long command names" group by assuming that long commands are menu-replacements that are useful only because menus take too long to draw on the screen -- probably that is unfair. Not unfair, just not true. You can't replace the mental step between "compile_pascal" and "debug_pascal" with a menu of 400 commands. -- -IAN! (Ian! D. Allen) University of Waterloo
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!henry From: he...@utzoo.UUCP (Henry Spencer) Newsgroups: net.cog-eng,net.nlang Subject: Re: expert-friendly: are long names a waste of time? Message-ID: <3384@utzoo.UUCP> Date: Tue, 29-Nov-83 17:56:49 EST Article-I.D.: utzoo.3384 Posted: Tue Nov 29 17:56:49 1983 Date-Received: Tue, 29-Nov-83 17:56:49 EST References: <6196@watmath.UUCP>, <507@dciem.UUCP>, <1490@utcsstat.UUCP>, <6206@watmath.UUCP> Organization: U of Toronto Zoology Lines: 41 I'm afraid I have to go along with Laura. A user who does not know how to do what he wants does not *want* to have to guess whether he should type "list", "print", or "output" (to say nothing of "lpr"!) to get a printout on the line printer. He wants a menu which says, among other things: list list contents of current directory print print a file on the line printer I hope this example clearly indicates the perils of requiring users to guess command names, be those names long or short. Ian! comments "novice users are either going to remain novices...or become casual users". Wrong, this was just Laura's point: either they will become casual (i.e., once-a-month) users, or they will become experienced users. No way will they remain novices (in the precise sense being used here). "Experienced" does not necessarily mean "expert" or "knowledgable"; it means "I know how to do the things I do frequently". This is exactly the right condition for abbreviations and short commands. When dealing with things she does not do often, the experienced user (that includes you and me, folks!) is effectively a casual user, i.e. has no idea how to obtain function "foo". This is exactly the right condition for menus. Why do you think summary cards are so popular? Ian! further observes that he doesn't want to call up a 400-item menu. This is so ridiculous that I can only class it as a deliberate attempt to obscure the issue, like the twits who still refuse to install Unix because "its file system isn't crashproof". Nobody in his right mind is going to set up a 400-item menu; it's going to be tree-structured, with a top level set up by general areas of activity. With a fast display and a mouse, getting to (say) Pascal compilation from there is click, click, click. Faster than typing "compile_pascal", and no memory needed. I agree with Ian! that if one *must* guess the name of a command, life is simpler if names are formed systematically so that guessing is easy and reliable. The point is that the system should not require me to guess command names at all! -- Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology {allegra,ihnp4,linus,decvax}!utzoo!henry
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site umcp-cs.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!seismo!rlgvax!cvl!umcp-cs!koved From: ko...@umcp-cs.UUCP Newsgroups: net.cog-eng,net.nlang Subject: Re: expert-friendly: are long names a waste of time? Message-ID: <4151@umcp-cs.UUCP> Date: Thu, 1-Dec-83 01:44:40 EST Article-I.D.: umcp-cs.4151 Posted: Thu Dec 1 01:44:40 1983 Date-Received: Fri, 2-Dec-83 03:14:10 EST References: <6196@watmath.UUCP>, <507@dciem.UUCP> <1490@utcsstat.UUCP> Organization: Univ. of Maryland, Computer Science Dept. Lines: 50 Laura, Your view of the world is too narrow to see over the top of your keyboard. When you go out of the computer room at your school, you may run into many computer users who are not interested in learning about computers... they just want to get their work done. Of course there are the novice users and those executives or secretaries who could benefit from menus. Menus could possibly solve 90-100% of their problems. This is being used in the *real* world. Long command names for commands are not necessary for them since they do not need commands at all. The infrequent users need a way of remembering the commands (which may be the full command name rather than the abbreviated form). Some of the systems I have seen contain several levels of abbreviations and synonyms for the commonly used commands plus personally tailored versions which are automatically added to the system (global) versions. This seems to work rather well when the synonyms and abbreviations are used. In general, a user can use the whole command name (or its synonyn) or its abbreviation. There is a set of users of computers who must contend with multiple sets of operating systems, editors, mail systems, etc. which are operating on different brands of hardware and software. If they must become experts to remember the abberviated forms of all of the commands which they need to commonly use, nothing would ever get accomplished. I find myself lucky that I only use 3 computer systems (with completely different command formats and different names)! I know of people who use more than 3 systems during a week (although I use all 3 almost every day)! This may become more common with the proliferation of small cheap machines. These people want to get work done, but having to learn all of the abbreviations for each of the systems on which the person is working is too much of a burden. From experience, once the salesman has sold the software, the fun just begins! Many places do not have *experienced* staff to install the software and maintain it. If the commands are not spelled out completely, the installer-user becomes confused and frustrated. This is one of the reasons that computers and software have bad reputations (ie: the computer made an error.... not that the person using the computer made an error while using a program). Some of the people using the software are very bright, but are not familiar enough with the computer to understand all of the abbreviations and computer jargon. I constantly deal with people who are non-experts who are trying to install and use software. These problems repeat themselves often. This is not to say that I am against short command names and abbreviations and synonyms... On the contrary! However, they have their place, and must be taken in perspective. Larry
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site pyuxa.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!decvax!harpo!eagle!mhuxl!cbosgd!cbdkc1!pyuxmm!pyuxnn! pyuxi!pyuxa!weamc From: we...@pyuxa.UUCP Newsgroups: net.cog-eng,net.nlang Subject: Re: long names and hardware... Message-ID: <410@pyuxa.UUCP> Date: Mon, 5-Dec-83 11:41:55 EST Article-I.D.: pyuxa.410 Posted: Mon Dec 5 11:41:55 1983 Date-Received: Wed, 7-Dec-83 09:12:46 EST References: <6196@watmath.UUCP>, <507@dciem.UUCP>, <1490@utcsstat.UUCP> Organization: Bell Labs, Piscataway Lines: 19 I am not sure that the problem is in hardware. I run my terminal hooked to my computer at home at 9600 baud, and I can draw amy kind of menu I like. Personally, I think that ASCII terminals are an elegant solution to a very difficult problem, and I do not think that bit-mapped terminals are the answer. Look at the chaos in micros, with everybody implementing their own version of screen-handling. Software becomes very unportable. A higher baud rate will partially solve the delay problem with menus, and the rest of it will be solved by better use of the cursor-addressing features of terminals. Many programs (written more than two or three years ago) do not use cursor-addressing, so they put out many time-wasting blanks. As for bit-mapped graphics and "windows," I think the jury is still out. Windows are cute, exercise and demonstrate the graphics capability of a system, and the idea is the latest buzzword, but a higher baud rate (i.e. the ability to re-write the screen quickly with another application) will address most of the issues that windows supposedly address. Does anyone recall if Xerox ever did any research to indicate that windows improve human performance????? Andy Cohill
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site umcp-cs.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!decvax!harpo!seismo!rlgvax!cvl!umcp-cs!rene From: r...@umcp-cs.UUCP Newsgroups: net.cog-eng,net.nlang Subject: Re: long names and hardware... Message-ID: <4270@umcp-cs.UUCP> Date: Tue, 6-Dec-83 18:26:45 EST Article-I.D.: umcp-cs.4270 Posted: Tue Dec 6 18:26:45 1983 Date-Received: Fri, 9-Dec-83 04:50:14 EST References: <6196@watmath.UUCP>, <507@dciem.UUCP>, <1490@utcsstat.UUCP> <410@pyuxa.UUCP> Organization: Univ. of Maryland, Computer Science Dept. Lines: 24 >> As for bit-mapped graphics and "windows," I think the jury is still out. >>Windows are cute, exercise and demonstrate the graphics capability of a >>system, and the idea is the latest buzzword, but a higher baud rate >>(i.e. the ability to re-write the screen quickly with another application) >>will address most of the issues that windows supposedly address. Does >>anyone recall if Xerox ever did any research to indicate that windows >>improve human performance????? >> Andy Cohill I thought the idea of windows was to address a problem that non-programmer users complained of - the lack of a cluttered desk. The people buying systems for their office sort of liked having little bits of paper strewn around to remind them of tasks they need to do, with the current one on top of the clutter. When I saw a demonstration of SCION's (neato!) Superscreen (I suppose it's copyrighted or something), they told me all the windows flipping on top of one another and crawling around the screen and changing size and so forth were to recreate the cluttered desk of the busy executive. - rene -- "Peoles have feeelings, too" Arpa: rene.umcp-cs@CSNet-relay Uucp:...{allegra,seismo}!umcp-cs!rene
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site pyuxa.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!security!genrad!decvax!harpo!eagle!mhuxl!mhuxm!pyuxi!pyuxa!weamc From: we...@pyuxa.UUCP Newsgroups: net.cog-eng Subject: Re: windows... Message-ID: <420@pyuxa.UUCP> Date: Wed, 7-Dec-83 13:53:27 EST Article-I.D.: pyuxa.420 Posted: Wed Dec 7 13:53:27 1983 Date-Received: Fri, 9-Dec-83 07:40:43 EST References: <6196@watmath.UUCP>, <507@dciem.UUCP>, <1490@utcsstat.UUCP> <410@pyuxa.UUCP>, <370@sun.uucp> Organization: Bell Labs, Piscataway Lines: 22 I don't have anything against windows, per se. I am aware of the analogy between over-lapping windows on a CRT and the little piles of notes on a desk. What irritates me is the head-long rush to announce software with "windows." I am not convinced that the analogy is an apt one, because no one has done any research (that I've seen) to indicate that windows do help the user. In a time-sharing system, bit-mapped displays would impose an huge load on the system. An example of this is the infamous BLIT terminal, (Bell Labs Intelligent Terminal) which requires a special software front end to run, and reportedly drastically slows system response. I suspect that there are cheaper ways to provide some of the things that windows provide. As far as using a mouse goes, I have used a Lisa, and found the mouse irritating because I had to keep moving my hand off the keyboard. I was doing text input, which was part of the problem. I don't have anything against new ideas, but it bothers me that they are picked up and used before the paint on the old stuff is barely dry. The poor slob of a user suffers as he is told, time after time, that the framistan is the cure for all his or her ills. (Replace framistan with data base, user-friendly, windows, mouse, UNIX, bit-mapped, etc...). Andy Cohill
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 Apollo; site apollo.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!security!genrad!decvax!wivax!apollo!eric From: e...@apollo.UUCP (Eric Peters) Newsgroups: net.cog-eng Subject: Re: long names and hardware... (windows) Message-ID: <198@apollo.UUCP> Date: Wed, 7-Dec-83 14:39:52 EST Article-I.D.: apollo.198 Posted: Wed Dec 7 14:39:52 1983 Date-Received: Fri, 9-Dec-83 04:20:51 EST References: <410@pyuxa.UUCP> Organization: Apollo Computer, Chelmsford, Mass. Lines: 45 Andy Coh...@pyuxa.UUCP writes > As for bit-mapped graphics and "windows," I think the jury is still out. > Windows are cute, exercise and demonstrate the graphics capability of a > system, and the idea is the latest buzzword, but a higher baud rate > (i.e. the ability to re-write the screen quickly with another application) > will address most of the issues that windows supposedly address. As a user of a bit-mapped, window system for the past several years (I leave it as an exercise to the reader to determine the brand), I have to throw my two cents in. I've tried, and I cannot go back to using an ASCII terminal for real work, even at very high Baud rates. It's not nearly powerful or convenient enough. Right now my screen is covered with windows representing several different processes. In fact I just now got some mail on another subject, and took a few minutes to read it and respond to it, without upsetting my session of "readnews" in this window at all. In fact, "readnews" in Process 12 was just underneath a rather large window for Process 16 where I was reading that mail. Bet no one even noticed! It takes only an eyeblink to "pop" one in front of another. I look at my screen and I can graphically see everything going on in my machine. I see several fonts (one called "extremely_tiny" is useful for "readnews"!), and my on-screen clock is a good sized, easy to read seven-segment display. I could go on about the advantages of windows and bit mapped graphics, but I suspect that until you've lived with a really good system and then tried to go back to the old way, can you appreciate the difference. I'm certain it improves THIS human's performance. As for long names, we've taken an approach here that I have not seen mentioned anywhere else: We divided all command names into pairs <verb><noun>, and then came up with a fairly short list of abbreviations for the common actions and objects. The result is a large set of command names that can be generated from a small number of abbreviations. For instance, "f" as a noun always stands for "file", so "cpf" is "copy file", and "dlf" is "delete file" and so on; "t" stands for "tree", as in directory tree, so "cpt" is copy tree, and "dlt" is "delete tree". This scheme works best with the most commonly used concepts, such as files and trees, and perhaps gets a bit ragged at the edges (such as in "salrgy" for "salvage registry (of passwords)"), but it does enable a novice or casual user to handle a fair number of the most useful commands while remembering only a handful of the most common abbreviations. Right now, there are 29 nouns and 32 verbs, so both lists easily fit in windows, and are, in fact, lurking right behind this window that I'm in. Eric Peters (...decvax!wivax!apollo!eric)
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site umcp-cs.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!seismo!rlgvax!cvl!umcp-cs!rene From: r...@umcp-cs.UUCP Newsgroups: net.cog-eng Subject: mice, pens, and graphics Message-ID: <4291@umcp-cs.UUCP> Date: Wed, 7-Dec-83 20:27:11 EST Article-I.D.: umcp-cs.4291 Posted: Wed Dec 7 20:27:11 1983 Date-Received: Sat, 10-Dec-83 01:34:00 EST References: <6196@watmath.UUCP>, <507@dciem.UUCP>, <1490@utcsstat.UUCP> <410@pyuxa.UUCP>, <370@sun.uucp> <420@pyuxa.UUCP> Organization: Univ. of Maryland, Computer Science Dept. Lines: 14 I have worked with mice a little, and I must say that though they may be good for window addressing (is that how'd you say that?) they are lousy for graphics. Bit pens work much better, more like a pen or brush. There's no control with a mouse - you must move the entire arm to move the mouse, whereas with a bit pad you can get fine movements by moving just your fingers. Track balls are the absolute worse, though. Anyone work with the graphics side of this tangent of the discussion? - rene -- "Peoles have feeelings, too" Arpa: rene.umcp-cs@CSNet-relay Uucp:...{allegra,seismo}!umcp-cs!rene
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site pyuxa.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!cmcl2!floyd!harpo!eagle!mhuxl!mhuxm!pyuxi!pyuxa!weamc From: we...@pyuxa.UUCP Newsgroups: net.cog-eng Subject: Re: long names and hardware... Message-ID: <424@pyuxa.UUCP> Date: Thu, 8-Dec-83 09:33:43 EST Article-I.D.: pyuxa.424 Posted: Thu Dec 8 09:33:43 1983 Date-Received: Sat, 10-Dec-83 01:28:58 EST References: <6196@watmath.UUCP>, <507@dciem.UUCP>, <1490@utcsstat.UUCP> <410@pyuxa.UUCP>, <1107@rocksvax.UUCP> Organization: Bell Labs, Piscataway Lines: 28 My terminal is still smoking from the flames that Bell Labs people sent me about my remarks about the BLIT, so I am posting a general reply. My information about loading the system came from the UNIX person at PY responsible for installing the software for the BLITs. *He* told me it dragged the system down. I used the word *reportedly* because I have not worked on a system with a significant number of BLITs installed. For those of you that sent me notes about BLIT not being being an acronym--do you think that I made that up??? I have heard several people refer to it as the "Bell Labs Intelligent Terminal." There is more than one person here with that idea. Given the propensity of people at the Labs to make acronyms, it seems more likely that it is an acronym than not. For those of you that lambasted me with stories of how wonderful your BLITs are, I am reasonably sure that you are right. What I said, if you read it closely, was that I don't think the ASCII technology is dead yet. for one thing, I can hook an ASCII terminal up to virtually any computer in the country and do useful work. You *cannot* hook up a bit-mapped terminal that way. (Before I get anymore flames, I know that the BLIT can function as a dumb terminal--that's not the point.) I think the ASCII technology can be extended to provide many of the features of bit-mapped terminals and still retain the universality of ASCII. What distresses me is the headlong rush to make everything have windows, just as last year it was to make everything user-friendly, and the year before that it was something else. The computer community is a little too much in love with technology and buzz-words. Andy Cohill
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83 SMI; site sun.uucp Path: utzoo!linus!security!genrad!decvax!decwrl!sun!jfarrell From: jfarr...@sun.uucp (Jerry Farrell) Newsgroups: net.cog-eng Subject: Re: mice, pens, and graphics Message-ID: <379@sun.uucp> Date: Fri, 9-Dec-83 17:53:10 EST Article-I.D.: sun.379 Posted: Fri Dec 9 17:53:10 1983 Date-Received: Tue, 13-Dec-83 01:21:10 EST References: <4291@umcp-cs.UUCP> Organization: Sun Microsystems, Inc. Lines: 28 Your general point that mice are not as convenient as styli for graphics is valid (somebody at Xerox, I think it was Bob Flegal, once comnpared it to drawing with a brick). But I'm a little surprised at your claim that you have to move your whole arm, elbow, etc. I think this may be an artifact of which mouse you use. I observed a while back that the dePraz mouse (as used in the BLIT) requires a "power grip", which in turn implies large-muscle motions. But the other mice I've used (Hawley [Xerox mechanical], Kirsh [MSI, Sun, others], Lisa's) all are designed for only one or two fingers on top, and enough on the side opposing the thumb to permit finger & wrist manipulation. I just checked on this, and find that I work with a wrist bone planted on the table-top, use wrist rotation for almost any motion in X (I can cover this 80-column window easily), and finger action for small motions in Y (15 lines of text is about the comfortable limit of control). Larger displacements do take arm motion -- but then, so do broad sweeps with a brush. A confounding effect is the location of the sensor -- mechanical designers want to move it back toward the wrist, to make room for the buttons; users want it as close to directly under the index fingertip as possible, to maintain the pointer effect. For frequent changes between keyboard and pointing device, the mouse's stability and cord position make it easier to acquire than a stylus, which is a decided advantage in many UI situations; this and cost probably outweigh the stylus' superiority for fine drawing, especially given the relatively coarse resolution of most existing graphics systems. jf
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site umcp-cs.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!seismo!rlgvax!cvl!umcp-cs!rene From: r...@umcp-cs.UUCP Newsgroups: net.cog-eng Subject: Re: mice, pens, and graphics Message-ID: <4391@umcp-cs.UUCP> Date: Sun, 11-Dec-83 13:13:17 EST Article-I.D.: umcp-cs.4391 Posted: Sun Dec 11 13:13:17 1983 Date-Received: Tue, 13-Dec-83 05:15:29 EST References: <4291@umcp-cs.UUCP> <379@sun.uucp> Organization: Univ. of Maryland, Computer Science Dept. Lines: 18 Perhaps the problem was with the type of mouse; I couldn't possible do anything with just finger and/or wrist motion. However (I think I'm repeating myself), you CAN'T draw pictures with a mouse, even if it was of a better design. Mice are probably good for most graphics (graphs and stuff) and as pointers (stability is very nice for lots of mouse-keyboard transfers), but TRY using a paint system (I have). True the resolution was only about twice that of a TV, but the pen was well worth whatever difficulties it might have caused (of course, I was only a user, and didn't pay attention to the other difficulties). Try drawing a dragon with a mouse! (I actually drew one with a TRACK BALL - *shudder*) Can anyone think of a way to get the best of both worlds? - rene -- Arpa: rene.umcp-cs@CSNet-relay Uucp:...{allegra,seismo}!umcp-cs!rene
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!henry From: he...@utzoo.UUCP (Henry Spencer) Newsgroups: net.cog-eng Subject: Re: mice, pens, and graphics Message-ID: <3419@utzoo.UUCP> Date: Fri, 16-Dec-83 17:52:58 EST Article-I.D.: utzoo.3419 Posted: Fri Dec 16 17:52:58 1983 Date-Received: Fri, 16-Dec-83 17:52:58 EST References: <4291@umcp-cs.UUCP> <379@sun.uucp>, <4391@umcp-cs.UUCP> Organization: U of Toronto Zoology Lines: 9 When I visited New York Tech some years ago, all their tablets had pens rather than pucks. Why? Because a substantial fraction of the use of those systems was by real, honest-to-Ghod *artists*, who absolutely insisted on pens. I think they were right. I would put a mouse (or something similar) on a workstation I put together for myself, but I'm not an artist. -- Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology {allegra,ihnp4,linus,decvax}!utzoo!henry
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site rocksvax.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!seismo!rochester!rocksvax!dave From: d...@rocksvax.UUCP (Dave Sewhuk) Newsgroups: net.cog-eng Subject: Re: mice, pens, and graphics Message-ID: <1144@rocksvax.UUCP> Date: Fri, 23-Dec-83 17:08:45 EST Article-I.D.: rocksvax.1144 Posted: Fri Dec 23 17:08:45 1983 Date-Received: Sun, 25-Dec-83 00:45:48 EST References: <4291@umcp-cs.UUCP> <379@sun.uucp>, <4391@umcp-cs.UUCP> <3419@utzoo.UUCP> Organization: Xerox, Rochester, N.Y. Lines: 16 I don't like your arguments about "it had to have pens because the artists wanted pens". That argument is a dumb as the one I heard about C.A.T. scanners. The doctors didn't like the neat 2D graphic outputs at all, they only wanted little slices through their patients bodies, because that was how they disected bodies in school and could only think in 1 dimension, little slices. They didn't like the rotating kidneys on the screen, only little slices through them. Using you arguments you would think there is no need to try any other display method and give them a fair shake. People always seem to abhor change, good or bad.... or maybe they were just put out that they didn't think of it first!! -- Dave Arpa: Sewhuk.H...@PARC-MAXC.ARPA uucp: {allegra, rochester, ritcv, ritvp, amd70, sunybcs}!rocksvax!dave
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!henry From: he...@utzoo.UUCP (Henry Spencer) Newsgroups: net.cog-eng Subject: Re: mice, pens, and graphics Message-ID: <3426@utzoo.UUCP> Date: Wed, 28-Dec-83 18:21:03 EST Article-I.D.: utzoo.3426 Posted: Wed Dec 28 18:21:03 1983 Date-Received: Wed, 28-Dec-83 18:21:03 EST References: <3419@utzoo.UUCP>, <1144@rocksvax.UUCP> Organization: U of Toronto Zoology Lines: 21 I agree that there is a potential problem with people insisting on doing things the old way for no good reason. The point is that in the case of artists, they have nontrivial motor skills which are very much tied to pen-like objects. I don't know how much retraining would be involved to get the same skills down pat with (say) a puck, but I do know that the machines are supposed to adapt to us and not the other way around! Claiming that the artists ought to be retrained is like IBM's claim that I ought to get used to an extra key between Z and SHIFT -- an outrageous imposition for no good reason. Dave Sewhuk's example of doctors disliking new forms of presentation from a CAT scanner is similar: ok, they disliked the rotating kidney because it was unfamiliar, but their diagnostic training was built around the old thin-slices style of presentation. It does seem likely that the new form will make things easier in the long run, but in the short run I would want my kidneys checked over by a doctor using a form of presentation that he was familiar with. There is a big difference between making new forms available and making old forms unavailable! -- Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology {allegra,ihnp4,linus,decvax}!utzoo!henry