Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!harpo!decvax!ittvax!ittral!hinnant From: hinnant@ittral.UUCP (David Hinnant) Newsgroups: net.unix-wizards Subject: DUMP: bread: lseek fails (why??) Message-ID: <419@ittral.UUCP> Date: Wed, 23-May-84 07:49:10 EDT Article-I.D.: ittral.419 Posted: Wed May 23 07:49:10 1984 Date-Received: Sat, 26-May-84 12:24:46 EDT Lines: 28 We had a strange occurance with 'dump' the other day on our 11/780 running 4.1, and before I go rumaging through the source, I thought someone might be able to tell me what happened. Here's some of what was printed on the console: DUMP: bread: lseek fails DUMP: (this should not happen)bread from /dev/rhp0h [block 175333999]: c=0x400, regc=0x400, &c=0x7fffe988, n=0x0 DUMP: bread: lseek fails DUMP: (this should not happen)bread from /dev/rhp0h [block 1667328588]: c=0x400, regc=0x400, &c=0x7fffe988, n=0x0 This continued 13 more times with only the "[block #]" changing, and then twice more with the "[block #]" and "&c=#" changing. The system was rebooted, and fsck found nothing wrong with /dev/rhp0h. 'Dd' backed up the disk just fine with no hard errors. What happened? There was about 3 hours worth of activity between the time when the errors occured, and when fsck was run when the system was rebooted, so what ever files dump was complaining about may have vanished. The next dump from /dev/rhp0h went just fine. Has anybody seen this before and have it disappear? David Hinnant ITT - Telecom (919) 829-3033 ...ucbvax!decvax!ittvax!ittral!hinnant