Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 beta 3/9/83; site cca.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!floyd!whuxle!mit-eddie!genrad!decvax!cca!z From: z@cca.UUCP (Steve Zimmerman) Newsgroups: net.emacs Subject: Elisp for CCA EMACS Message-ID: <732@cca.UUCP> Date: Mon, 18-Jun-84 15:15:55 EDT Article-I.D.: cca.732 Posted: Mon Jun 18 15:15:55 1984 Date-Received: Thu, 21-Jun-84 02:02:38 EDT Organization: Computer Corp America, Cambridge Lines: 38 The following announcement was distributed at Usenix in Salt Lake City last week, where Elisp was publicly demonstrated for the first time. Elisp Extension Language Announced for CCA EMACS CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 11 -- CCA Uniworks announced today the availability of the Elisp extension language for the CCA EMACS screen editor. Elisp adds to the functionality of CCA EMACS by allowing users to program their own extensions to the editor, adding anything from simple commands to complex packages. These commands or packages can be automatically loaded into CCA EMACS, and appear to the user to be no different from normal built-in commands. Elisp is a subset of Common Lisp, which is rapidly emerging as the new standard for Lisp. Elisp is a true Lisp implementation, which means that it can even be used to extend itself to any degree desired. Among its major features are full lexical scoping and automatic garbage collection, which make it feasible to run and maintain large scale packages. Elisp has direct access to over a hundred EMACS primitives, so the Elisp user is able to utilize the full power of the CCA EMACS environment. Elisp has a number of different interfaces to CCA EMACS, each suitable for different purposes. One of the most useful is the minibuffer, which is an EMACS buffer that contains an interactive version of Elisp. In the minibuffer, Elisp expressions are evaluated as they are typed in. Output may be directed to either the minibuffer or to some other EMACS buffer. At the same time, the minibuffer is a regular EMACS buffer, so all the normal CCA EMACS editing commands are available. In addition to the minibuffer, Elisp code may be loaded directly from files, or from other EMACS buffers. Single Elisp forms may also be evaluated one at a time directly from the EMACS top level. Elisp comes as a standard feature of CCA EMACS. Prices for a binary version of CCA EMACS range from $380 to $1900, with educational and quantity discounts available.