$ echo
April 1985
In this Issue:
New Product Announcements
Business Issues
Technical Information
$ echo is published for UNIX System V licensees by AT&T Software Sales and Licensing.
P.O. Box 25000
Greensboro, North Carolina 27420
$ echo Newsletter
A message from the Editor:
$ echo is the newsletter published by the AT&T Software Sales and Licensing organization for licensees of UNIX* System V.
Licensees for UNIX Software products and services are located throughout the world. Having a customer network this large poses a special problem in establishing effective communication lines. This newsletter is designed to make our organization more responsive to our customers' needs through a structured information dissemination medium.
The purpose of $ echo is to reach all UNIX System V licensees through one defined medium. It serves as a consistent channel of communication to our licensees and keeps them abreast of any product announcements, policy changes, company business and pricing structures.
Subscriptions may be purchased through the Software Sales and licensing organization.
Subscription Rate - $87 per year
Make checks payable to AT&T and send orders to:
$ echo Subscriptions
AT&T Software Sales and Licensing
P.O. Box 25000
Greensboro, North Carolina 27420
Any comments or questions regarding $ echo should be addressed to The Editor, $ echo, AT&T, Software Sales and Licensing, P.O. Box 25000, Greensboro, North Carolina 27420. Telephone: 1-800-828-UNIX.
Other AT&T Software Sales Offices:
Nippon Press Center Bldg., 6th Floor
2-1, Uchisaiwai-cho, 2-chome
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 Japan
1500 Don Mills Road, Ste. 500
Don Mills, Ontario
Canada M3B 3K4
(416) 449-4300
AT&T Software Sales and Licensing
1090 East Duane
Sunnyvale, California 94086
(408} 746-5011
* Trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories
New Product Announcements
Unix System Toolchest Offers Electronic Licensing
The UNIX[1] System Toolchest is now available from AT&T to UNIX System V source licensees in the continental United States and Canada. It is an electronic catalog of utility programs, editors and other software development tools. There is an EMACS editor, a relational database manager, and a utility package for managing background processes. All are available in source code, run under UNIX System V, and are available electronically.
Each Toolchest program has been carefully selected by AT&T’s development community for its functionality, technical merit, and robustness. It is all part of an internal effort to identify and share those packages that contribute to AT&T’s own productivity. Now customers can select from among the best of those programs and login to a continuing supply of new tools and utilities.
For the first quarter of 1985, AT&T has test marketed Toolchest among its UNIX System V OEM/VAR licensees. Now it is available to the full complement of all System V source licensees.
Unlocking the Toolchest
From anywhere within the continental United States and Canada, at any time, night or day one can unlock the Toolchest by simply dialing 201-522-6900 and logging in to the AT&T 3B computer that hosts the Toolchest electronic catalog.
The login, guest, is the key to unlocking the Toolchest.
Once inside, an easy-to-use menu system guides the browser who is free to look around without cost or obligation.
Browsing through the electronic catalog, the customer will find descriptions of all the Toolchest programs, complete with information on documentation and memory requirements. Prices for many of the toolchest packages are below those for binary software.
Persons with a question about the software, the documentation or the Toolchest program itself should simply type it in and the Toolchest administrator will get back to them with the answer.
All Toolchest software is distributed electronically, via uucp. All AT&T needs is a customer electronic mail addres. All the customer needs is licensing authority and a system equipped with uucp.
Because Toolchest software is used primarily in a development environment, it is licensed "as is," without technical support. The savings in support costs have been passed along to the customer as low prices. Those savings, combined with economical electronic distribution, mean outstanding value for the customer's software dollar.
Licensing the Toolchest
Although each of the Toolchest programs is priced individually, all are licensed under a single umbrella agreement. The agreement conveys the software for the customer's own internal use and grants the right to distribute copies internally on as many processors as one wishes. There are no CPU numbers to keep up with and no reporting requirements.
When one is ready to order from the Toolchest, the system will check for licensing authority. The agreement can be requested while on line. AT&T will waive the $100.00 registration fee for UNIX System V source licensees.
Sublicensing Toolchest Software
Toolchest software is also available for sublicensing under a "lump sum" arrangement. One simple fee per package and an acknowledgement of the source in any promotional material and the customer can offer binary copies commercially. There are no royalties and no reporting.
Current Contents Available
New tools will continue to be added at regular intervals. The following is a list with brief descriptions of the tools currently available in the AT&T UNIX System Toolchest.
Toolchest Tools
Name Description $ Source $ Sublicensing Database UNITY-TC Relational db for Simple Files 1,250 10,000 Debugger LTRACE lex and yacc Debugger 75 250 SLOQ Flexible arc Level Logging Facility 100 450 Driver QBUS-TC lbv 488 Interface Driver 2,000 18,000 Editor EMACS-TC Full Screen Editor, Split Screen 900 10,000 TECO-TC Popular DEC Editor for the UNIX System 450 3,000 Environment 4415WDW Windowing for AT&T-IS 4415 Terminal 95 1,000 VSH-TC Menu Shell 250 1,500 File Utility FASTDD Faster "dd" Command 200 2,000 FILE-UTIL 1 Extract Lines; Extract ASCII Strings 100 450 MAKE-UTIL Makefile Generator and Analyzer 95 500 VSORT Sort for Large and/or Binary Files 450 2,000 Game TTTT 3 Dimensional Tic Tac Toe for 2 Players 40 200 Language KSH Korn Shell 2,000 20,000 LISP-TC Lisp Interpreter 300 2,000 Office Auto. DATEBOOK Maintain Personal Appointment Calendar 450 7,500 FMAIL Full Screen Interface to std Mail 450 2,500 Program. Aid BPTAP Background Process Term Access Package 250 450 CONV-DT Date Conversion Package 150 450 INEDIT Input Line Editor 75 250 NCSL Count Non-Commentary Source Lines 200 1,000 SH-PGMG1 Set of Useful Shell Prog. Tools 100 450 SH-PGMG2 Set of Useful Shell Prog. Tools 50 250 Source Sublicensing Average <450 <3,700 Median 200 1,000 Range 40 - 2,000 200 - 20,000
Maintenance Release Unix System V, Release 1.2 Available May 1
AT&T has announced May 1 availability of UNIX System V, Release 1.2, the latest maintenance update for UNIX System V. Release 1.0.
Included in this release are high priority customer maintenance fixes and Disk File Controller (DFC) Generic 3 support software (for the AT&T 3B20 computers).
The product will be supplied at no charge to customers with support contracts as a maintenance update. It is available to unsupported customers who have a UNIX System V license for a fee of $5,000.00. Non-supported educational licensees will be charged $800.00.
The product will be furnished on 1600 BPI tape media for DEC VAX[2] computers and AT&T 3B20 computers, and on 800 BPI for PDP 11/70 machines. The documentation set for this release will consist of the complete set of UNIX System V, Release 1.0 documentation. The only new document will be the System Release Description (SRD). This product is available for both domestic and international markets.
AT&T Announces Enhancements to Unix Instructional Workbench Software
AT&T has announced a number of enhancements to UNIX INSTRUCTIONAL WORKBENCH[3] Software, the interactive computer-based training package.
The enhancements include:
Components of the INSTRUCTIONAL WORKBENCH Software
The INSTRUCTIONAL WORKBENCH package contains three major components:
Authoring Courseware Under UNIX INSTRUCTIONAL WORKBENCH Software
The UNIX INSTRUCTIONAL WORKBENCH authoring system includes COMPOSE, a powerful courseware development system that allows authors with little or no computer experience to write and display sophisticated computer-based training material. COMPOSE offers a set of standard screen templates for creating text, exercises and a variety of tests (such as multiple-choice and true/false). COMPOSE prompts the author to fill in these templates using a descriptive and conversational set of commands. A ’preview’ facility allows the writer to view the course exactly as the student would.
The COMPOSE command set is a natural language extension of the lower-level TOPIC language that forms the foundation of the authoring system. With its greater flexibility and sophistication, the TOPIC language allows more experienced developers to create their own templates and customize the presentation of the course material.
Ideally suited for any organization developing computer-based training or providing embedded training with their own systems and software, UNIX INSTRUCTIONAL WORKBENCH Software is available in source code for the AT&T 3B20 and 3B5 computers and the DEC VAX computer running under UNIX System V. The source code is priced at $12,000.00 for the initial copy of the entire system ($3,500.00 for qualified educational institutions), or $3,000.00 for the initial copy ($1,000.00 educational) for just the delivery system and the AT&T courseware. Sublicensing rights are also available.
Binary systems are also available for the AT&T 3B20, 3B5 and 3B2 computers.
Business Issues
AT&T Sponsors Unix System Business and Technical Seminar
AT&T sponsored a UNIX System Business and Technical Seminar March 4-5 in New York and March 7-8 in Santa Clara for UNIX System licensees who also have sublicensing rights. The purpose of the seminar was to provide statements of direction in both the technical and business areas to hear input from licensees, and to share proposals affecting licensing. pricing, and business procedures.
The following is a brief synopsis of the presentations by members of AT&T Bell Laboratories UNIX Software Development organization and the Software Sales and Licensing management.
Dick Shahpazian, Director, Software Sales and Licensing, opened the session with an overview of AT&T’s objectives for the UNIX operating system:
Bob Mitze made a presentation on directions for the UNIX System. He discussed porting base issues, directions for new development, file system hardening, file and record locking, and System V implementation.
Doug Kevorkian discussed the System V Interface Definition and Verification Service. He outlined the objectives of the Interface Definition as follows:
He also explained the two level verification process for software developers and end users and distributors.
Laurance Brown made a presentation on System V networking plans. His topics included philosophy, kernel services, and network service extensions.
Distributed UNIX System was the topic for Dick Hamilton. He discussed transparent remote file system access, comprehensive administration, streams-based networking, and recovery.
Sue Picus discussed AT&T’s plans for language products. She described plans for evolution, standardization and enhancements of the C language. She stressed AT&T’s commitment to upward compatibility for its language products.
Jeanne Baccash covered user friendly features of UNIX System V. Her points included the on-line help facility, command syntax standards, error handling standards, computer professional interface, and user interface services.
Gary Lindgren discussed internationalizing the UNIX System. AT&T’s objectives are to provide a standard UNIX System that supports all domestic and foreign customers; to provide a framework/tool for local character sets, error messages in local languages, and multi-lingual help facility; and to identify enhancements to UNIX System V to support international needs.
Cathi Brooks described the UNIX System Toolchest. Its goal is to encourage UNIX system application development by providing seeder material and tools. It is a new distribution channel for "as is" UNIX system tools and AT&T’s first attempt at electronic software distribution. (See article on Toolchest in this issue.)
Miguel Velez discussed training, documentation and support for the UNIX System He also described the process of licensing courseware from AT&T.
Dave Frasure made a presentation on licensing UNIX System software and outlined several changes that AT&T is making in the licensing and sublicensing agreements. (See article on licensing in this issue.)
An equally important objective of the conference was to build a stronger business relationship with those vendors who resell AT&T’s UNIX Software. "From that perspective, the conference was an enormous success," said Otis Wilson, Manager of Software Sales and Licensing. "More than 80 percent of the respondents to our evaluation questionnaire agreed or strongly agreed that the conference gave them a better insight into AT&T’s business and development direction, and an equal percentage felt that the information they received would assist them in their own business and development planning."
"In addition to the information we gave out, we also received some very good input from the customers ideas, concerns and suggestions that we are now studying," said Wilson.
Among those topics are issues relating to the migration of the porting base to the AT&T 3B2 computer and the impact that action will have on VAR and end-user customers. Discussion on the System V verification service also provided valuable advice on how the service might best be administered and provided. Discussion of the pricing structure for sublicensing suggests a thorough evaluation of alternative pricing models.
"In many respects the conference accomplished all of the objectives we had set out for it, " said Wilson. "The success has encouraged us to provide similar forums on a periodic basis. "
AT&T Announces Changes/Clarifications to Software and Sublicensing Agreements
At the Business and Technical Seminars held March 3-4 and March 6-7, Dave Frasure, Sales Manager. Software Sales and Licensing, described several modifications that will be made to AT&T’s software contracts
These changes are in response to direct feedback from AT&T’s licensees and are intended to make the contracts more responsive to the needs of the licensees. The following is a summary list of the changes
Changes to the Software Agreement
Contractor Provisions
Paragraph 7.06(B)
Clarification of Ownership of Derived Works
Changes to the Sublicensing Agreement
Use of Reduced Source Code Fees
The licensee may then replicate the UNIX System V source code for internal use machines for the following fees:
1-32 User Systems $l,000
1-64 User Systems $3,500
>64 User Systems $7,000
All CPUs must be licensed as designated CPUs.
Authorization Letters
Clarification of Paragraph 2.05(B)
Reporting royalties when distributing through authorized copiers.
(The following comments assume that the authorized copier is a licensee of AT&T and has sublicensing rights.)
Fee Changes
Paragraph 5.02(a)
Paragraph 3.02
"Unless licensee notifies AT&T in writing at least thirty {30) days before the expiration date established in Section 3~0l that such party does not wish renewal…"
Paragraph 2.04
"Distributors who are not also authorized copiers may not make copies of sublicensed products, but may furnish to customers and other distributors copies of sublicensed products…"
1-16 Users Per-Copy Fee Change
Technical Information
The Unix Software Advisor
Question: How can I get in touch with my Software Sales Account Executive electronically?
Answer: An electronic mail address has been established for cases where this type of communication is deemed beneficial.
A gateway UNIX System computer is being provided for mail forwarding to AT&T at Summit, New Jersey. The "uucp" information for the gateway computer is;
attunix Any ACU 1200 1-2015226805
login:--login: attunix
Question: What is AT&T’s policy regarding fees for a customer’s binary product which is derived by commingling code from any two System V family members (e.g., VAX and M68000)?
Answer: If the derived product is a single UNIX System product (i.e., a single binary load module), then only one sublicensing fee and one per copy royalty fee is due AT&T although source from multiple source product families may have been used to derive the product.
If the derived product includes multiple UNIX operating systems on a single medium that has been derived from different source products, then multiple sublicensing fees and per copy royalty fees will be due AT&T. An example of this would be someone distributing two products to run on a M68000 based product: one ported from VAX technology and the other based on the M68000 port.
The determining factor is whether the derived product is a single system product or multiple products in a single distribution.
Question: What is AT&T’s policy regarding sublicensing fees and per copy royalties for a customer’s binary product which is derived by combining an add-on product with the operating system (e.g., Documenter’s Workbench and System V, Release 2.0)?
Answer: AT&T’s policy is that the initial sublicensing fee and the appropriate per copy fee for each of the products included in the software is due AT&T for that customer software.
Question: Is AT&T considering expanding the section in the software contract that allows the use of certain run-time libraries or files for use in customer developed application software without payment of a sublicencing fee to AT&T?
Answer: Yes. The software contracts are being modified to read as follows:
Routines from files in /lib whose pathnames end in .o or .a and from files in /usr/lib whose path names end in .a may be included in object-code format in customer developed applications software without payment of a sublicensing fee to AT&T
The files /usr/lib/yaccpar, /usr/lib/lex/ncform, and /usr/lib/lex/nrform may also be included in customer developed applications software without payment of a sublicensing fee to AT&T.
Unix System V, Release 2.0 to System V Release 2 Version 2 Comparison
The following is a basic comparison of UNIX System V. Release 2.0 to UNIX System V, Release 2.0 Version 2 (Paging Release).
A customer upgrading from UNIX System V Release 20 to System V Release 2.0 Version 2 will enjoy the following additional features:
Also included in this release are software generation system (SGS) enhancements that provide a.out (object) files in aligned format. This enables the operating system to page directly out of the file system.
This release executes on the Digital Equipment Corporation VAX and VAX 11/780 processors.
The swapping based memory manager has been replaced by a demand paging memory manager. Paging allows fuller use of the existing hardware by:
In short, paging allows more and larger processes to execute simultaneously.
F77 Enhancements
The F77 enhancements provide the following:
Record and File Locking
A synchronization method has been provided to enable multiple users to access files in a way that would prevent other users from either writing or reading a section of a file while a given process has the given section either read (share) locked or write (exclusive) locked, respectively. This feature may be used by database developers to control access to their files.
Security Administration Package
Because of the U.S. State Department regulations restricting encryption/decryption software to customers in the U.S.A., a new "selectable" package, the "Security Administration" package, is being provided in this release. This "selectable" package is provided with the release source tape, but must be installed separately.
There are certain changes that both System Administrators and users will encounter. They are summarized below, but the appropriate documentation should be consulted for more detailed information.
In addition to UNIX System V Release 2.0 documentation, the following updates and new documentation are available:
1 UNIX is a trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories
2 DEC and VAX are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation
3 Trademark of AT&T Technologies
UNIX* Software Product Line
UNIX Systems
UNIX System V, Release 2.0 AT&T 3B20 Version 4
UNIX System V, Release 2.0 VAX*** 11/780 Version 2
UNIX System V/M68000
UNIX System V, Release 2.0 iAPX286 Version 1
UNIX System V, Release 2.0 NSC32000 Version 1
UNIX Writer’s Workbench** Software
UNIX Instructional Workbench** Software
UNIX Documenter’s Workbench** Software
Networking/Communications Software
AT&T 3BNET Software
COMMKIT** Software HYPERchannel# interface
COMMKIT** Software Synchronous Terminal Interface
COMMKIT** Software ETHERNET## Interface
COMMKIT** Software Basic Networking Utilities
Languages and Programming Tools
BASIC Language For The UNIX System
COBOL Syntax Checker For The UNIX System
Molorola 68000 C Compiler System
Pascal Language For UNIX System V
UNIX System AT&T 3B2/3B5 C Compilation System
Other Software
5620 DMD Software Core Package
5620 DMD Software Development Package
5620 DMD Software Text Package
Non-Supported Software
C/370 C Compilation System
Device Independent TROFF
S Statistical Analysis Package
UNIX System Toolchest
Machine Readable Documentation
UNIX System V
* Trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories
** Trademark of AT&T Technologies
*** Trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation
# Trademark of Network Systems Corporation
## Trademark of XEROX Corporation
© AT&T
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA