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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!bonnie!akgua!mcnc!ecsvax!dfh
From: dfh@ecsvax.UUCP (David Hinnant)
Newsgroups: net.unix-wizards,net.periphs
Subject: minifloppy/cartridge tape driver info request
Message-ID: <984@ecsvax.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 8-Apr-85 11:31:18 EST
Article-I.D.: ecsvax.984
Posted: Mon Apr  8 11:31:18 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 10-Apr-85 06:19:07 EST
Organization: SCI Systems, Inc.
Lines: 19
Xref: watmath net.unix-wizards:12763 net.periphs:722

  I'm beginning to write a driver for a mini-cartridge tape drive that
uses a floppy compatible interface (WD1793 floppy controller chip).  By
mini-cartridge, I mean the 3M DC 1000 type (real small).  The drive,
from Irwin Magnetics, will store 10.35 MB per tape.

 I'm interested in communicating with people who have done this in the
past, as I'm not too experienced in extremely low-level device drivers
that deal in counting pulses, etc.

  What's the best way to vector to a different driver given that the
interrupt could come from the floppy or the tape?  What's the best way
to handle both streaming and start-stop mode? Etc.

  As always, I will summarize and post if there is sufficient interest.

					David Hinnant
					SCI Systems