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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxr!mhuxn!ihnp4!nsc!glacier!reid
From: r...@glacier.ARPA (Brian Reid)
Newsgroups: net.text
Subject: fixed-pitch spacing in ordinary troff
Message-ID: <1834@glacier.ARPA>
Date: Sat, 30-Nov-85 03:45:28 EST
Article-I.D.: glacier.1834
Posted: Sat Nov 30 03:45:28 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 1-Dec-85 03:31:47 EST
Organization: Stanford University, Computer Systems Lab
Lines: 9

Can anybody tell me the magic troff incantation for jimmying a font
so that its characters come out in a fixed-pitch spacing? I'd like
to be able to print netnews ".signature" files in troff, and have
all of the cute graphics come out. I know about the ".cs" command,
but I don't know what arguments to give it and I don't know how
to un-do its effect when I am done with the fixed-width stuff.
	Brian Reid	decwrl!glacier!reid
	Stanford	r...@SU-Glacier.ARPA

Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxr!mhuxn!ihnp4!nsc!amdahl!elan!kg
From: k...@elan.UUCP (Ken Greer)
Newsgroups: net.text
Subject: Re: fixed-pitch spacing in ordinary troff
Message-ID: <2309@elan.UUCP>
Date: Sat, 30-Nov-85 14:01:10 EST
Article-I.D.: elan.2309
Posted: Sat Nov 30 14:01:10 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 1-Dec-85 03:38:58 EST
References: <1834@glacier.ARPA>
Organization: ELAN Computer Group, Los Altos CA
Lines: 30

> Can anybody tell me the magic troff incantation for jimmying a font
> so that its characters come out in a fixed-pitch spacing? I'd like
> to be able to print netnews ".signature" files in troff, and have
> all of the cute graphics come out. I know about the ".cs" command,
> but I don't know what arguments to give it and I don't know how
> to un-do its effect when I am done with the fixed-width stuff.
> 	Brian Reid	decwrl!glacier!reid

The format is
		.cs F [N [Msize]]

	F - Font
	N - Width in 1/36 em units; Turn off if omitted.
	M - Width of an em (optional)

	.cs R 36   (or ".cs 1 36" for font position 1 if you prefer)

will change to constant pitch with each char a width of your "em",
	.cs R      ( or ".cs 1")
will revert back to normal.

Or, you can also select a constant width font. For example:

	.ft CW		- Constant Width
	.ft P		- back to previous font
Ken Greer

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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!cbosgd!ukma!sean
From: s...@ukma.UUCP (Sean Casey)
Newsgroups: net.text
Subject: Re: fixed-pitch spacing in ordinary troff
Message-ID: <2397@ukma.UUCP>
Date: Sat, 30-Nov-85 22:30:19 EST
Article-I.D.: ukma.2397
Posted: Sat Nov 30 22:30:19 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 1-Dec-85 07:44:41 EST
References: <1834@glacier.ARPA>
Reply-To: s...@ukma.UUCP (Sean Casey)
Organization: The White Tower @ The Univ. of KY
Lines: 13

I'd be interested in hearing about this too.  We supposedly have fixed width
fonts but they aren't TRULY fixed width.  We have some applications where the
characters must align all the way down a page.  I've looked at the width tables
for these fonts and the characters are all set to the same width.  It is some
anomally or misuse of troff that is causing the characters to not line up.

Sean Casey                             UUCP:  s...@ukma.UUCP   or
915 Patterson Office Tower                    {cbosgd,anlams,hasmed}!ukma!sean
University of Kentucky                 ARPA:  ukma!s...@ANL-MCS.ARPA
Lexington, Ky. 40506-0027            BITNET:  s...@UKMA.BITNET

Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxr!mhuxn!ihnp4!nsc!glacier!reid
From: r...@glacier.ARPA (Brian Reid)
Newsgroups: net.text
Subject: Re: fixed-pitch spacing in ordinary troff
Message-ID: <1868@glacier.ARPA>
Date: Mon, 2-Dec-85 00:28:55 EST
Article-I.D.: glacier.1868
Posted: Mon Dec  2 00:28:55 1985
Date-Received: Tue, 3-Dec-85 07:40:02 EST
References: <1834@glacier.ARPA> <2397@ukma.UUCP>
Reply-To: r...@glacier.UUCP (Brian Reid)
Organization: Stanford University, Computer Systems Lab
Lines: 22

In article <2...@ukma.UUCP> s...@ukma.UUCP (Sean Casey) writes:
>I'd be interested in hearing about this too.  We supposedly have fixed width
>fonts but they aren't TRULY fixed width.  We have some applications where the
>characters must align all the way down a page....  It is some
>anomally or misuse of troff that is causing the characters to not line up.

Well, let's see. One possible way of getting bad results would be if you
followed the halfway correct answer that elan!kg (Ken Greer) posted earlier
in this newsgroup. Ken's solution is identical to the one that I had come up
with and which did not work, thereby causing me to ask for help. Matt Bishop
of RIACS and Bernie Cosell of BBN both sent me correct solutions (correct ==
they work in my application). Since both Matt and Bernie read net.text, I'll
leave it to one of them to post their explanation. Matt, yours was an
in-depth explanation of the problem, and Bernie, yours was a macro package
that works, so perhaps both of you should do it.

The problem with Greer's solution is that it does not work in traps and
diversions. To my jaundiced eye this is primarily a condemnation of the
whole idea of traps and diversions, but that's another story.
	Brian Reid	decwrl!glacier!reid
	Stanford	r...@SU-Glacier.ARPA