From wesommer@ATHENA.MIT.EDU Sat Aug 9 23:08:28 1986 To: hackers, kerberos Subject: Sun RPC may now be kerberos authenticated... Date: Sat, 09 Aug 86 23:04:58 -0500 From: Bill Sommerfeld < wesommer@ATHENA.MIT.EDU> From looking at the Sun RPC documents, I got the general impression that plugging a new type of authenticator into the library is relatively simple. I was right. If you look in /@/priam/mit/w/e/wesommer/rpc/rpclib/, at auth_krb.c, auth_krb.h, and svc_auth_krb.c, you can see what I had to do. Mutual authentication is not implemented yet (although it should be simple), and the error codes returned leave a little bit to be desired (Kerberos has a somewhat wider variety, and information gets lost when they get translated to the RPC codes). It also doesn't know how to deal with service principals other than "rcmd.< machine_name>@Athena". I have a test program which uses this, as a "whoami" service (the service takes a "void" parameter, and ships back three strings: the three parts of your kerberos principal name). I have "priam" hardcoded into the programs (for simplicity); if the "test" program (the daemon) is running on priam (I left it running), and you've done a kinit and have a ticket for rcmd.priam@Athena, you're in business; run "client", and it will tell you who you have authenticated as. These playtoys are in rpc/westoys. - Bill