Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 17:20:18 -0400 From: John T Kohl <jtkohl@ATHENA.MIT.EDU> To: krbdev@ATHENA.MIT.EDU 0. Attending: don, jfc, prb, jtkohl, tytso 1. status reports: jtkohl: updating code to draft 3 ASN.1 stuff is complete. don: not much farther than last report. has created draft kdc installation documentation; see /mit/krb5/src/kdc/kdc.doc jfc: v4/v5 conversion doc not ready yet no more work on the GSS. prb: working on testing alpha on the Cray-2. some (expected) sysV issues; most of the library is compiled, but not tested (ISODE still needed) report from Cray in MN: someone spent time playing with alpha on a sun & eventually gave up (lack of configuration documentation problems, apparently) tytso: working on parse/unparse re-work for quoting slave work proceeding 2. athena release issues consideration of v4/v5 compatibility and Athena migration is pertinent, but it shouldn't be an overbearing concern. Word of mouth from "on high" is that there will be regular athena-type releases after the current Athena merges into IS. 3. future (post-Athena involvement) of Kerberos John would like to get Kerberos out the door by the end of 1990. some discussion about how to deal with Kerberos, industry expectations, who takes on the maintenance role after that time. Some possibilites that were discussed: NetServ gets it, OSF gets it, some other University, a Consortium a la X. NO FIRM ANSWERS known at this time. 4. Thought for the day: "generality is painful in general" -- Ted 5. next meeting will be scheduled at a later date.