Date: Fri, 18 Jan 91 10:53:01 -0500 From: John T Kohl <jtkohl@MIT.EDU> To: krbdev@MIT.EDU Due to my engrossment in working on a paper, and Jon's and John's lack of corporeal presence, we didn't have a meeting yesterday. However, here are some status reports: Jon: Hammer is working, although there are some memory leaks that need to be plugged. I will be working on installing it into the source tree. Ted: Kprop/kpropd is working. A few rough edges still need to be polished, but it's essentially working. I will start working on improving the API interface: changing the subroutines to always return allocated structures and improving the API documentation after I return from Usenix. John K: has been working on paper for EurOpen; will be circulating drafts for comments. Has also done some random bugfixing. John C: ??? next meeting is after UseNIX, on 29 Jan 91 at 15:30 in E40-316.