Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 16:11:33 EDT
From: John T Kohl <jtkohl@MIT.EDU>
To: krbdev@MIT.EDU

0. next meeting Friday, 26th April, 3:30 in E40-316, for final status
review before end of April.

1.  status update on work-in-progress:
	GSSAPI meeting earlier this week resolved issues enough to allow
	<tytso> reports that the GSSAPI code should be ready on

	<jfc> reports he has sufficient time between now and 30 April to
complete library mods & sample clients for user2user authentication.
<jtkohl> will have time available to iron out any problems in the KDC,
or to help <jfc> if time pressure warrants.

Thanks, all.