Computer Executives Endorse Clinton for President
STReport International Online Magazine -- September 18, 1992 -- Thirty executives at a number of high-tech Silicon Valley firms -- including Apple Computer, Hewlett Packard, National Semiconductor, Oracle Systems and Link Technologies -- have endorsed Democrat Bill Clinton in his bid for the White House.
"Many of us here are actually not Democrats but Republicans," said Apple CEO John Sculley. Sculley added the group believes Clinton can put the country "back in the forefront of leading the world again."
Oracle Systems CEO Lawrence Ellison said that the Democrat's economic plan is "why I am departing this year from my life-long support of the Republican Party to endorse the Clinton-Gore ticket."
Besides Sculley and Ellison, those endorsing Clinton include HP President/CEO John Young, as well as Gil Amelio, CEO of National Semiconductor; Dave Barram, vice president of Apple Computers; Gerry Beemiller, CEO of Infant Advantage; Chuck Boesenberg, CEO of Central Point Software; Dick Brass, president of Oracle Data Publishing; Chuck Comiso, president of Link Technologies.
Also: Gloria Rose Ott, president of GO Strategies; Ed McCracken, CEO of Silicon Graphics; Regis McKenna, chairman of Regis McKenna; Bill Miller, former CEO of SRI international, Sandy Robertson, general partner of Roberston, Colman and Stephans.
Copyright 1992