UNIX Labs dramatically cuts prices for core OSI products
WASHINGTON, D.C. – DECEMBER 2, 1992 -- UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. (USL) today announced that it has reduced pricing on its Open Networking Platform* (ONP*) OSI products.
USL cut its source code fees from $80,000 to $10,000, and reduced royalty fees by 75 percent for UNIX* System V licensees. The move is designed to stimulate movement to OSI networks by bringing pricing in line with TCP/IP networks.
"OSI continues to offer the promise of truly open systems networking," said Richard Bevis, USL Marketing Manager.
"Many customers have been reluctant to move to more fully featured OSI networks because of the lack of an inexpensive standard stack. Our intent is to eliminate cost as an obstacle, and to give OSI the boost it needs to achieve broad adoption and attract more application developers."
USL's ONP supports a standardized programming interface to the services of OSI networks. This interface is the basis of X/Open's XAP interface which is in the process of formal adoption by IEEE (P1238.2), the first step towards incorporation into US GOSIP, the federal government's OSI standard. Use of this interface allows developers to write smaller, more efficient applications quickly.
USL also announced that early next year it would begin a program to assist application developers and solution providers in moving applications to OSI. USL will also be providing an OSI-TCP migration feature which allows customers to run OSI applications over existing TCP/IP networks.
USL's reference port of ONP is provided for Intel 80386 systems with UNIX SVR4. ONP has also been ported to MIPS, SPARC, and other Intel chips. USL also offers support, training, and customized services for OSI products.
UNIX System Laboratories, Inc., headquartered in Summit, N.J., develops and supplies UNIX System V technology adopted by eighty percent of Open Systems vendors worldwide. Other USL products include the TUXEDO* Enterprise Transaction Processing System, Open Networking Platform OSI software and the C++ Language System.
Open Networking Platform* (ONP*). Specific products covered are OSI Upper Layer Services, OSI WAN Transport.THE PRICING
A promotional program directed to UNIX System V licensees.m/c 1 m/c 2 m/c 3 m/c 4 m/c 5 <$20k $20k-$100k $100k-$500k $500k-$1.5M >$1.5M Upper Layer $10 $20 $40 $80 $160 Services ULS/WAN $25 $50 $100 $200 $400
USL is also finalizing ONP Provider Programs, programs intended to encourage and help OSI applications vendors and communications board suppliers build and test ONP compliant OSI applications and communications board drivers.
* UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and elsewhere, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. Open Networking, ONP and Tuxedo are registered trademarks of Novell Inc.