Path:!!pipex!uunet!not-for-mail From: (Dadong Wan) Newsgroups: comp.infosystems,comp.groupware,ba.announce Subject: Conference on the Business Use of the Information Superhighway Followup-To: poster Date: 1 Dec 1994 12:57:45 -0500 Organization: University of California at Berkeley Lines: 212 Sender: zo...@ftp.UU.NET Approved: zo...@uunet.UU.NET Distribution: ba Message-ID: <3bjl99$> NNTP-Posting-Host: "BUSINESS AT THE DAWN OF THE INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY ERA: CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES, AND STRATEGIES" JANUARY 12 & 13, 1995 Hyatt Regency, San Francisco Airport 1333 Bayshore Highway, Burlingame CA 94010 Corporate sponsors: Bank of America, The Gap, McKesson, MCI, Pacific Bell, Oracle. The Center for Information Technology & Management (CITM) and the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE) at the University of California, Berkeley, are pleased to present a conference exploring business opportunities, challenges, and strategies of the Information Superhighway. At this two-day meeting, industry leaders will share and discuss their experience, strategies, and vision on how to leverage the emerging national and global information infrastructure. Come join us for the first major conference on the business of the information superhighway, addressing * The emerging electronic marketplace * Network-enabled business reengineering * Interfacing private networks with the public info-highway * Global information infrustructure and multinational business PROGRAM THURSDAY, JANUARY 12 7 - 8:00 AM Registration/Continental Breakfast 8 - 8:15 AM Opening Remarks Professor Arie Segev, Director, CITM William A. Hasler, Dean, Walter A. Haas School of Business 8:15 - 9 AM Opening Keynote Address "Business At The Dawn Of The Information Superhighway: Challenges & Opportunities" Eric Benhamou, CEO & President, 3COM 9 - 10:45 AM SESSION I "The Information Superhighway As An Electronic Marketplace" Moderator: Michael Borrus, BRIE "The Smart Valley Project" Harry J. Saal, President & CEO, Smart Valley, Inc. "The Financial Services Revolution" Daniel Schutzer, Vice President & Director of Advanced Technology, Citibank, N.A. "Media Server Technology and Business On The NII" Gerry Held, Sr. Vice President, Media Server Division, Oracle Corp. 10:45 - 11 AM Coffee Break 11 - 12:45 PM SESSION II "Network-Enabled Business Reengineering" Moderators: Raymond Miles, Walter A. Haas School of Business Claiborne Johnson, CITM "Network-Based Reengineering In Today's Corporation" Gregory Tucker, Vice President, CSC Index "Reengineering Trade" Pearleen Chan, Managing Director & CEO, Singapore Network Services Pte Ltd. "Reengineering R&D" J. Edward Muns, Director of Corp. Engineering, Hewlett Packard. 12:45 - 2 PM Lunch Speaker "The Administration's Vision For Business On The NII" Jonathan Sallet, Director, the Office of Policy & Strategic Planning, U.S. Department of Commerce 2 - 3:45 PM SESSION III "Interfacing Private Networks With The Public Superhighway" Moderator: Francois Bar, BRIE "Development Of Super High Speed Networks" Richard A. Hronacek, Director, California Research Education Network, Pacific Bell "Taking Advantage Of The Public Information Highway" Charles A. White, Senior Vice President, First Data Corp "Delivery Of Real Time Financial Information" John Taysom, Vice President, Reuters New Media Inc. 3:45 - 4 PM Coffee Break 4 - 5:45 PM SESSION IV "Moving Toward A Global Information Infrastructure" Moderator: Edward M. Roche, CITM "Providing Global Telecommunications Services To Multinational Corp's" Eugene Eidenberg, Assistant to the Chairman, MCI "International Financial Services" Kelly McGowan, Chief Technology Strategist of Salomon Brothers "Agile Design & Manufacturing: Building The Virtual Enterprise" John Hancock, Manager, Information Resource Management, Boeing Defense & Space Group 5:45 - 6 PM Closing Remarks 6 - 7 PM Reception FRIDAY, JANUARY 13 Workshop: Commerce On The Public Network 7:15 - 8:00 AM Continental Breakfast 8:00 - 8:30 AM CITM Research Overview 8:30 - 8:45 AM Coffee & Refreshments 8:45 - 10:15 AM Breakout Sessions: Conference Review & Discussion 10:15 - 10:30 AM Coffee & Refreshments 10:30 - 11:15 AM Keynote Speech Jim Barton, President & CEO, Interactive Digital Sol'ns 11:15 - 1:00 PM Buffet Lunch/Adjourn CONFERENCE FORMAT Each of the four sessions includes three 20-minute presentations and a 45-minute discussion. CONFERENCE LOGISTICS For More Information: Contact Mindy Ha, Conference Coordinator, CITM, phone: 510/643-5316, fax: 510/642-2826, internet address: WWW: First, fax reservations to Mindy Ha. Then, mail in check with reservation form below. Reservations are confirmed by paid registration. Make checks payable to UC Regents. Registration Fees: Payment received by Friday, December 7 $695 Between December 7- January 6 $795 After Friday, January 6 $895 A limited number of academic registrations are available at $250 on a first-come first-served basis. Cancellations Fees: By December 7 none After December 7 $200 Hotel Accommodations: Hotel accommodations can be reserved by directly contacting the Hyatt Regency at SFO, phone 415/347-1234, fax 415/347-5948. To reserve your space at the Conference on Jan. 12 -13, 1995, please fill out this form and mail with check (payable to UC Regents) to CITM, University of California, 554 Barrows Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-1930. Name (Last, First) _____________________________________________ Position _____________________________________________________ Company ____________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________ City/State/Zip _________________________________________________ Country (outside the US) _______________________________________ Phone ________________________ FAX _________________________ Mindy Ha Center for Research in Management University of California ph: 510/643-5316 554 Barrows Hall fax: 510/642-2826 Berkeley CA 94720