Message-ID: <bnews.ucbvax.8008>
Newsgroups: fa.info-vax
Path: utzoo!decvax!harpo!npoiv!npois!ucbvax!info-vax
X-Path: utzoo!decvax!harpo!npoiv!npois!ucbvax!info-vax
From: ucbvax!info-vax
Date: Fri Jul 16 00:48:01 1982
Subject: its-emacs-like environment for Gosling emacs
Posted: Wed Jul 14 11:27:10 1982
Received: Fri Jul 16 00:48:01 1982

>From CPR@MIT-XX Wed Jul 14 11:23:20 1982
Does anyone have such a thing?  I.e., such that deletes append/prepend
to the kill buffer when appropriate (esp for word deletes!), CR just
moves down multiple blank lines instead of adding blank lines,
case changing moves over words, etc, etc, etc.  Old finger habits die
hard, and I don't particularly want to program all this in mlisp.

Message-ID: <bnews.ucbvax.8009>
Newsgroups: fa.info-vax
Path: utzoo!decvax!harpo!npoiv!npois!ucbvax!info-vax
X-Path: utzoo!decvax!harpo!npoiv!npois!ucbvax!info-vax
From: ucbvax!info-vax
Date: Fri Jul 16 00:50:26 1982
Subject: ITS-style EMACS
Posted: Wed Jul 14 11:56:52 1982
Received: Fri Jul 16 00:50:26 1982

>From z@CCA-UNIX Wed Jul 14 11:52:49 1982
I have written an EMACS for Berkeley VAX Unix which is a virtual clone
of ITS EMACS, having all the features you describe plus many more that
Gosling left out.  It doesn't currently have a macro language, but one
is in progress and should be finished within a few weeks.  You can FTP
the files for EMACS by logging in to CCA as user "anonymous" with any
password and copy all of the files from all of the subdirectories under
the "emacs" subdirectory.  Or, you can send me a tape along with a self-
addressed, STAMPED mailing envelope, and I'll send you back EMACS.  My
address is

	Steve Zimmerman
	Computer Corporation of America
	575 Technology Square
	Cambridge, MA 02139

Message-ID: <bnews.ucbvax.8023>
Newsgroups: fa.info-vax
Path: utzoo!decvax!ucbvax!info-vax
X-Path: utzoo!decvax!ucbvax!info-vax
From: ucbvax!info-vax
Date: Mon Jul 19 04:36:34 1982
Subject: its-emacs-like environment for Gosling emacs
Posted: Thu Jul 15 22:03:50 1982
Received: Mon Jul 19 04:36:34 1982

>From FONER@MIT-AI Thu Jul 15 22:02:40 1982
In the version of EMACS that we got a long, long time ago, there was
at least a routine to simulate an 8 item kill ring.  It was probably
the hairiest MockLISP code I have ever seen, since MockLISP lacks
things like true lists and so forth.  It was included in a
subdirectory of a whole bunch of useful little MockLISP files...
about twenty in all.

I could dig up the actual code if you need it...  but would probably
have to type it in by hand, as I no longer work where I used to have
that EMACS.  Maybe a newer version of the routine exists for newer
versions of EMACS, or maybe it now exists in a recent relese of EMACS.
Has anyone talked to Gosling recently?

