Path:!!sn-xit-02!sn-xit-06! sn-post-01!!!not-for-mail From: Al Petrofsky <> Newsgroups: Subject: How do I make a display mode change that ctrl-alt-del will use? Date: 26 Feb 2003 08:29:45 -0800 Organization: The Vegetable Liberation Front Message-ID: <> Sender: User-Agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Cache-Post-Path: smirk! X-Cache: nntpcache 2.3.3 (see X-Complaints-To: Lines: 19 Xref: Hi, I use an Nt 4.0 laptop at different locations with different monitors, and thus frequently change the display resolution. I also often use ctrl-alt-del to start the task manager or lock the screen. An annoyance is that if I have changed the resolution since startup, ctrl-alt-del takes a few seconds to switch back to the old resolution, and a few more seconds to switch to my desired resolution again. The only way I know to make ctrl-alt-del speedy is to shutdown and restart after I change the resolution. Is there some way, short of a shutdown, to tell NT that the current display mode is good and should be used by the ctrl-alt-del screen? -al